
    • Assignments for the next contact session 14.2.2018

      • Two reading tasks - see below.
      • Try to meet with your peer group at least once (preferably F2F meeting) before the next course session.
      • Start thinking about your individual plan for teaching practice (held on 15.3.2018).
    • Read and familiarise yourself with the Chapter 2: Teaching according to how students learn, AND part of the Chapter 3: Setting the stage for effective teaching, pages 16-39 in Biggs, John and Tang, Katherine. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. 2007. (4th ed.) McGraw-Hill, .
      Please remember to close the e-book after you have read or printed the materials.

    • Read the Chapter 2: Effective Classroom Teaching, pages 21-37 in Hunt, L. & Chalmers, D. (eds) 2013. University teaching in focus. A learning - centred approach. London & New York: Routledge. 
      Please remember to close the e-book after you have read or printed the materials.