Teaching assistant as a learning instructor (ELEC) autumn 2018
Topic outline
The slides of the fourth day and the tablecloths you made are found here. A list containing different teaching methods and activities follows. The makeup assignment for those who were unable to attend day 4 is at the bottom of the page.
These slides contain the material on motivation and some practical tips you can use to help you as a learning instructor.
The slides of Paula Sjöblom, the study psychologist.
The acivities in this course are placed in three groups:
- Teacher-led
- Lectures
- Guest lectures
- Student discussions/reflection in pairs or groups
- Teacher-teacher discussions
- Student-teacher discussions
- Group work
- Gallery walk
- Making posters
- Drama/play acting
- Learning café
- Group meetings
- Other activities
- Observation
- Writing
- Ways to form groups
- Change of rhythm of activities
- Breaks
- Use of cards to break the ice
- Feedback
- Teacher-led
Things you remember from the course.
Things an assistant should remember.
Things you wouldn't change, things you'd develop, and things you'd leave out from the course.
Read the slides for day 4. Paula's slides discuss some of the more common reasons why students face difficulties in their studies and points out to some things that can be done to help these (and other) students. Both slide sets touch upon motivation as well. Reflect on the content of the slides and think at least about the following:
- What physiological reasons are often found behind difficulties in studies?
- What can you do as an assistant to ease their difficulties? How do these activities affect other students?
- Do you know anyone who has learning difficulties? Elaborate briefly. What help did they receive? Say what could have been done to help them if they didn't.
- How does anxiety affect student performance? How might it affect your performance as an assistant? What can be done to alleviate anxiety, both students' and yours?
- What can you do to motivate different types of learners?