
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management

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      Welcome to study Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management! 

      Our focus in this introductory course is on the strategic analysis of markets and competitors for the purpose of launching new products or services.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du uppnår högre än en viss poäng i Level 0 - Introduction
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      Level 1 - Costs and cost advantages Kunskapstest

      The principal objective of this module is to learn to understand under what conditions firms enjoy a cost advantage over their competitors: what factors enable a firm to produce more efficiently (=cheaply) than their competitors?

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      Level 2 - Competitors and competition Lesson Kunskapstest
      Before firms can formulate market entry strategies for their new product or service, they need to understand the nature of competition in the market they are about to enter. It is crucial for predicting how competitors that are already in the market are likely to respond to the new firm’s entry. It also helps in figuring out whether the product should be positioned in terms of its price or the benefits that it generates to the consumer.
    • Tillgänglig om: Du uppnår högre än en viss poäng i Level 0 - Introduction
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      Level 3 - Competitive advantage Kunskapstest

      In addition to understanding the nature of competition in the market you are about to enter, an equally important consideration is what your strengths and perhaps weaknesses are. How should you position your product so as to make it competitive vis-à-vis the competitors?

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      Level 4 - Market entry Kunskapstest

      Previously in this course we learned about the particular challenges of entering oligopolistic markets with new products and services. In this module, we will dig deeper into these challenges by learning how to identify and understand different barriers to entry and how to understand and analyse predatory acts: competitive pricing strategies aimed at deterring entry or pushing a competitor out of the market

    • Tillgänglig om: Du uppnår högre än en viss poäng i Level 0 - Introduction
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      Level 5 - Make or buy Kunskapstest

      Many new firms suffer from the ‘liability of smallness’: they do not have the resources to do everything by themselves. Cooperating with other firms is one solution to overcome resource scarcity. Also established firms bringing new products and services to the market should carefully weigh which elements of the product or service they ought to do themselves (‘make’) and which elements to outsource to other firms (‘buy’).

    • Tillgänglig om: Du uppnår högre än en viss poäng i Level 0 - Introduction
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      Level 6 - Porter's five forces framework Kunskapstest

      is a tool for analysing the competitive environment of a business. It draws from the economics of industrial organisation to derive five forces that determine the intensity of competition and, therefore, the attractiveness of an industry in terms of its profitability.

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      The exam is open online in MyCourses on Thursday, 15 November between 9am and 9pm. Your have 90 minutes to complete the exam. Time starts once you clicked at the „start attempt“ button and ends automatically after 90 minutes. If you start past 7:30 pm you lose time to answer as the exam closes automatically at 9pm. 

      Exam Information 

      The exam requires you to apply the concepts you learn in the online learning module to the Flybaboo case. In other words, you are not only required to understand the course concepts but you will also need to be able to apply them to a real business setting. Attending the case analysis sessions will provide you with a major advantage for the exam.

      There will be one question concerning Flybaboo case. The answer is limited to 1000 words and accounts for 15 of the total points. You will need to know the conceptual material from the online learning modules as well as the case thoroughly in order to do well in the exam. 

      The exam will be open books, open notes. This means that you can use whatever materials you choose in the exam. It is even advisable to prepare well in advance by analysing the case and writing notes on how the course concepts help you to understand and provide well-justified solutions to the case problems. You can use your notes on the exam.

      Please note: you cannot resit this midterm exam.

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      The exam is open online in MyCourses on Thursday, 29 November between 9am and 9pm. Your have 120 minutes to complete the exam. Time starts once you clicked at the „start attempt“ button and ends automatically after 120 minutes. If you start past 7:00 pm you lose time to answer as the exam closes automatically at 9pm. 

      Exam Information 

      The exam requires you to apply the concepts you learn in the online learning module to the The Londoner case. In other words, you are not only required to understand the course concepts but you will also need to be able to apply them to a real business setting. Attending the case analysis sessions will provide you with a major advantage for the exam.

      There will be one question concerning The Londoner case. The answer is limited to 1500 words and accounts for 35 of the total points. You will need to know the conceptual material from the online learning modules as well as the case thoroughly in order to do well in the exam. 

      The exam will be open books, open notes. This means that you can use whatever materials you choose in the exam. It is even advisable to prepare well in advance by analysing the case and writing notes on how the course concepts help you to understand and provide well-justified solutions to the case problems. You can use your notes on the exam.

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      Should you have missed or not passed the final exam, or if you are unhappy with the score, you can online resit the final exam on Thursday, 13 December 9:00-21:00. The questions will be based on the same case but different from the final exam.

      The exam is open online in MyCourses on Thursday, 13 December between 9am and 9pm. Your have 120 minutes to complete the exam. Time starts once you clicked at the „start attempt“ button and ends automatically after 120 minutes. If you start past 7:00 pm you lose time to answer as the exam closes automatically at 9pm. 

      Re-exam Information 

      The exam requires you to apply the concepts you learn in the online learning module to The Londoner case. In other words, you are not only required to understand the course concepts but you will also need to be able to apply them to a real business setting. Attending the case analysis sessions will provide you with a major advantage for the exam.

      There will be one question concerning The Londoner case. The answer is limited to 1500 words and accounts for 35 of the total points. You will need to know the conceptual material from the online learning modules as well as the case thoroughly in order to do well in the exam. 

      The exam will be open books, open notes. This means that you can use whatever materials you choose in the exam. It is even advisable to prepare well in advance by analysing the case and writing notes on how the course concepts help you to understand and provide well-justified solutions to the case problems. You can use your notes on the exam.

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      Please submit your report using this Groupwork Assignment Submission tool. 

      Please make sure to include all the names of the group members in your assignment.

      The deadline for the major case report is Monday, 6 December 2018 at 23:55 pm.

      The assignment counts for 50 points. For each day that the submission is late, counting from 00:01 am 7 December, the assignment will be marked down by 25% of the points it would receive based on its academic merits. Note that it is not possible to resubmit the case report should you not be happy about the mark you get.