Enrolment options

Credits: 6

Schedule: 08.01.2019 - 20.05.2019

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

TBA (coordinates)

Teaching Period (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Autumn I - II Töölö campus, spring III - V Otaniemi campus (2018-2019)

Autumn I - II, spring III - V (2018-2019) Otaniemi campus

Learning Outcomes (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The objective is to practice independent scientific thinking by setting up research questions and studying a specific research topic. More detailed learning outcomes for the students are:

  • Understand the structure of the thesis and how different parts are built up to a coherent whole
  • Learn academic style of writing, and how references are used in thesis
  • Learn the structure of academic presentation and how to present a good research plan and results presentation.
  • Develop their presentation skills
  • After the seminar students are able to provide relevant and constructive feedback on research plan and final master thesis
  • Students also have skills to receive and utilize feedback in a meaningful way in their own work

Content (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The thesis seminar is designed to help the students to prepare their thesis work. The seminar consists of lectures, meetings, instructions for completing thesis, student presentations of their research topic to the seminar group and acting as an opponent for a fellow student’s thesis. In the seminar, students get guidance in their research for Master's Thesis. There are lecturers on methods and theories of study in IS, MS and OR.

Teaching methods are lectures, group discussions, supervision, student presentations and opposing of other students work. The seminar starts with three lectures. Lectures are given twice a year, in the beginning of the fall and the spring term. After lectures students select a group of specialization, were they give presentations on their thesis topic and get guidance. Students also practice opposing tasks. Teaching materials are lecture notes as well as article and book references given during the seminar and supervision.

Assessment Methods and Criteria (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The thesis seminar is evaluated with the scale 0-5. Components of the evaluation are:

  • Research plan (40%)
  • Essay on methods of the thesis (40%)
  • Seminar activity, including thesis opposition (10%)
  • Final presentation (10%)

Workload (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Compulsory requirements (6 ECTS):

  • Attendance of Introductory lecture
  • Methods lectures: Qualitative and Quantitative
  • Two presentations given by student (Research plan and Thesis presentation)
  • Opposition by student of one Research Plan AND one Thesis Presentation
  • Active participation in at least 8 seminar sessions

The Introductory and Methods lectures are given twice a year: once at the beginning of the Fall term and once at the beginning of the Spring term. Student can enroll and start attending the Master's Thesis Seminar already 3-6 months before you start to write your Master's Thesis in order to gain the required participation.

Estimated workload for a student is:

Lectures 6 hours
Reading, preparing of research plan and presentation 70 hours
Reading, preparing research results presentation and presenting 30 hours
Reading, preparing essay on methods of the thesis 28 hours
Reading, preparing of opposition and opposition (res plan 8 and results 12)20 hours
Attendance to seminar sessions (2h x4) 8 hours

Total (27 h x 6) 162 hours

Course Homepage (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Grading Scale (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 



Registration for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Via WebOodi (course code: 57E99905)

Further Information (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Thorough knowledge in Bachelor’s thesis seminar and writing of Bachelor’s thesis, or corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended.

Feedback is collected via Aalto’s electronic feedback system. It is important that all students give their feedback via the feedback system: Teachers will develop the content basing on the feedback. Students are welcome to give feedback also via supervisors.


Registration and further information

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)