Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    AESTHETICS CS-E5600, 3 credits

    14 Jan – 25 March 2019

    Mon 9.15–12am, TU6 (TUAS building)

    Teacher: Sanna Lehtinen, PhD, University of Helsinki




    Course Description

    This course will provide students with basic knowledge of philosophical aesthetics, its main concepts, and the way of thinking and asking questions that is inherent in its unique perspective. Students will gain ability to understand and apply these concepts in other relevant areas, according to their own professional interests.

    Art as a phenomenon and history of philosophy are introduced in order to contextualise discussions and concepts used by contemporary aesthetic thinking. Environment, technology & science, and the sphere of the everyday are presented thematically as the problem-based approach shows the relevance of understanding the role of the aesthetic within their complex and differing structures.

    The perspective offered by philosophical aesthetics steadily unfolds through lectures, discussions based on a selection of chosen material, and a group task. Each student records his or her individual learning path in a dedicated learning diary.

    Course Program

    14.1.              Introduction, tasks and establishing groups; What is Aesthetics 1: Introduction

    21.1.              What is Aesthetics 2: Art

    28.1.              What is Aesthetics 3: Environment

    4.2.                What is Aesthetics 4: Everyday

    11.2.              Evolutionary Aesthetics

    18.2.              No meeting

    25.2.              Art, Technology & Mass Culture

    4.3.                Philosophy of Technology

    11.3.              Preparation of the group tasks

    18.3.              Preparation of the group tasks

    25.3.              Exhibition: Presenting the group tasks

    Aesthetics: ”Imaginary Garden” Final Group Task

    Mon 25th March Exhibition Schedule

    6–7 groups; 15min. presentation + 5min. discussion

    9.15–9.20 Opening words

    9.20–9.40 Group 1: Bilen Gerawork, Henje Kasslin, Akseli Paukkeri, Linda Loukamo

    9.40–10.00 Group 2: Maija Jääskeläinen, Laura Toikka, Saara Juurikka, Salla-Mari Saanio, Oskari Forsström

    10.00–10.20 Group 3: Emma Honkamaa, Ellinoora Laaksonen, Patrik Marin, Matti Sippola, Markus Tyrkkö

    10.20–10.40 Group 4: Group Pinkki Seitanfantti: Alex Mehdi Farsimadan, Kasper Kylmälä, Jesse Palo, Sini Leskinen

    10.40–11.00 Break 

    11.00–11.20 Group 5: Monday Morning: Joel Lappalainen, Katri Saarinen, Ville Kumpulainen, Katri Mäki-Kullas, Roosa Laurikainen

    11.20–11.40 Group 6: Pinja Hokkanen, Anssi Savilampi, Robert Kokkola, Henrik Kymäläinen, Eljas Pajamies

    11.40–12.00 Group 7: ?