
  • Allmänt

      Week 1TimeLectureContentTeacherSpace
      08/01/2019 9–12Introduction & briefingCourse info, teachers, project brief, teamsMarkus & SafaU121b
      09/01/2019 9–12Briefly, double diamondAbout briefs, purpose of design and double diamond processMarkusU359a
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      10/01/2019 9–12BenchmarkingInteresting visual identity assignmentMarkus & SafaA034 (Mac)
       13–15 Interesting visual identity presentationMarkus & SafaA034 (Mac)
      Week 2 
      14/01/2019 9–12English oral skills HannaU121b
      15/01/2019 9–12Visual identity,  past and presentFrom historical perspective to dynamic identities, elements of visual identitySafaU359a
       13–17Brand id + strategyDesigning and managing brand identity MarkusU359a 
      16/01/2019 9–12Background researchMethods and means to get insightEeva RaitioU359a 
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      17/01/2019 9–12Ideation & insightideation tools & reviewSafaKandistudio 
      Week 3 
      21/01/2019 9–12English oral skills HannaU121b
      22/01/2019 9–12Excursions and visits to Iittala & Arabia Design center, Agency Leroy, and National Museum 10000 years of Design exhibitionBenchmarking and background research. Schedule: Iittala 10-12,  lunch 12-13, Agency Leroy 13.30-14.30, National Museum 15-17

      23/01/2019 9–12Review of background research Review of students findingsMarkusU359a 
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      24/01/2019 9–12Ideation workshop Developing ideasSafaKandistudio/A034 (Mac)
       13–15Ideation workshop  Developing ideasSafaKandistudio/A034 (Mac)
      Week 4 
      28/01/2019 9–12English oral skills HannaU121b
      29/01/2019 9–12Concept developmentdeveloping concept and preparing for interim critiqueSafaU359a 
       13–17Concept developmentdeveloping concept and preparing for interim critiqueSafaU359a 
      30/01/2019 9–12INTERIM CRITIQUEPresentations and client feedbackMarkus, Safa, HannaU121a
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      31/01/2019 9–12Teachers feedback Teachers feedback on interim presentations and iteration planSafa, MarkusA034 (Mac) 
       13–15About user studiesMethods and means to test and validate MarkusA034 (Mac) 
      Week 5 
      04/02/2019 9–12English oral skills HannaU121b
      05/02/2019 9–12Visual quality Focus on detail design and visual quality SafaU359a 
       13–17 Developing designMarkus U359a 
      06/02/2019 9–12Revising concepts, contract Going through contract & iterating design Markus U121a 
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      07/02/2019 9–12Revising conceptsIterating and finalising conceptsSafaA034 (Mac) 
       13–15Revising conceptsIterating and finalising conceptsSafaA034 (Mac) 
      Week 6 
      11/02/2019 9–12English oral skills HannaU121b 
      12/02/2019 9–12Finalising conceptsFinalising conceptsSafaU359a 
       13–17Finalising conceptsFinalising concepts  
      13/02/2019 9–12Finalising conceptsFinalising conceptsSafaU359a 
       13–15English oral skills HannaU121b
      14/02/2019 9–12FINAL PRESENTATIONSPresenting for the clientMarkus, Safa, Hanna U121b
       13–15Course feedbackCollecting and sharing feedbackSafa, MarkusU359a

      About course grading
      Teachers will also provide you with feedback on final presentations, but it will be in the afternoon of 14.2.
      Your course grade will be the average of 4 things: concept idea (25%), execution of design (25%), presentation (25%) evidence of design process and active participation (25%).

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      In your team find an inspiring example of visual identity that you want to share with the rest of the class. It doesn't have to be necessarily well known, or created by some famous designer, but something that interests you. Try to find out as much about that visual identity as you can and prepare a 4-5 page pdf presentation that you present for others in the class on 10.1.2010. Plan ahead who says what. Presentations start at 13.00.

      Explain why that visual identity is interesting or special to you. Show and tell where, how and by whom that visual identity is used. If you can find out how it has been created or evolved during the years (if old logo) it can be an interesting piece of information to share. The visual identity does not have to have anything to do with the Iittala case or its competitors, just something that excites you and that you think could be interesting to share with others as well. Demonstrate how the identity is used in different applications.

      Before you submit your presentation (upload to this section in mycourses) name your file according to your team (e.g. Team1_inspiring_visual_identity.pdf)
