
    • Sida icon
      I will collect here a list of useful online resources for you to study further

      Team 1: Eero & Johanna

      Team 2: Iida & Niina

      Team 3: Kai & Saara

      Team 4: Katri & Sanni

      Team 5: Anna & Lumi

      Team 6: Jenni & Kiira

      Team 7: Graham & Filip

      Team 8: Tintin & Iisa

      Team 9: Jonna & Inka

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen (L00) Koe: Prosessi (Oodi)
      Fil icon
      Student project contract Fil PDF
      Read carefully through this student contract and if any questions raise we can address them next week on Wednesday 6.2.

      We should have the paperwork done before final presentations and in case we need to make some exceptions or special arrangements with someone it is better to be aware of it in advance and then we have time to think about that as well. Always when working with third party projects contract are required to clarify the rights and responsibilities of each party: Aalto, Company and Students. This contract follows the same template model and we have specialised lawyers preparing the paperwork to ensure projects we work with are fair and just. My job as a the head of course is basically to then find feasible projects that suit the course objectives and pedagogical approach.
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      This is one example of a survey design that I used to study eating habits and packaging a few years back. (it is unfortunately in Finnish) In the links section you will find links to instructions (in english) about how you can develop a good survey and a couple of example programs. With quick n' dirty visual research also social media alternatives can be used, i.e. Instagram voting etc. 

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      In case you have had some material costs from this course that you have paid, related to your photoshoot or some other creative activity related to creating your design, please fill in this reinbursement form and send it to indrek.loo@aalto.fi (financial services) in order to get refunded. Include me markus.joutsela@aalto.fi as cc as I will also need to approve the cost.

      There are a few basic rules: These costs have to be related to the coursework or agreed activity. Everything that will be reimbursed will become a property of Aalto University. You should also include pictures of your receipts. Receipts have to include the company, products, VAT (% or amount) and the sum (so only card payment receipt is not sufficient receipt).