Topic outline

  • The students will complete three assignments.

    (1) Who are we? 

    • Prepare 1-3 slide(s) of yourself and your social media. 
    • Tell about your background and show what you have done in/with/through social media: e.g. videos, art, gifs, memes, campaigns.
    • The length of the small presentation with the slide(s) is 3 minutes (+ 2 min Q&A).

    (2) Case study presentation 

    • Choose a case or an example related to social media design/hacking. 
    • The case can be an art project, a political campaign, an advertisement, a meme or something else.
    • Assignment 2 is done in pairs or small groups.
    • Prepare 3-5 slides of the case.
    • The length of the presentation is 5 minutes (+ 5 min discussion).

    (3) Design of a social media project

    • Design your own social media project or campaign. 
    • The project is presented in class. 
    • Assignment 3 is done in pairs.
    • Prepare a presentation explaining the project in detail.
    • The length of the presentation is 20 minutes (+ 10 min discussion).

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Assignment 3: Design of a social media project