ELEC-E4730 - Advanced Field Theory P, 25.02.2019-23.05.2019
This course space end date is set to 23.05.2019 Search Courses: ELEC-E4730
Topic outline
Course organization:
Periods IV-V: starting 25 February, ending 18 May. Week 15 is free of teaching.
Mondays: Lectures (12:15 to 14:00, AS4, 1023-1024, Maarintie 8)
Thursdays: Hands-on exercises (12:15 to 14:00, T3/C206 Tietotekniikka)
The text book: "Methods for Electromagnetic Field Analysis" by Ismo Lindell. Remember to get your own copy! Buy or borrow (there are several copies in the Library).
Homework problems will be handed every Thursday afternoon and are to be returned by 20:00 next Wednesday evening.
The pre-lecture Assignments (esitehtävät) will be handed out once every week and are to be returned before the lecture on Monday morning.
An open-book Exam will be organized at the end of period V (during the last teaching event, 23 May 2019).