Topic outline

  • General


    Final results and grades are now available, see file at Results & Points section.

    If you have any questions or comments about the results, points or grading during this course, please, contact me by e-mail.

    Best regards,



    The course is built on patterns. A pattern is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design. In a way, pattern is the basic unit of understanding in the case of both humans and intelligent machines. Thus, a skillful person or an effective software tool first is able to distinguish various patterns and, then able to utilize them in a successful way to solve real-life problems.

    In the first part of the course, I will introduce the following fifteen patterns divided into three groups:

    Mind: patterns and biases

    1)       Automaticity of being

    2)       Bad is stronger than good

    3)       Choice-supportive bias

    4)       Bandwagon effect

    5)       Social mind

    Patterns in individual behavior

    6)       Metrics as guides

    7)       Prisoner's dilemma

    8)       Regret avoidance

    9)       Network effect

    10)     Tit for tat

    System patterns and outcomes

    11)   Fixes that fail

    12)   Tragedy of commons

    13)   Bubbles (escalation)

    14)   Long tails (success to successful)

    15)   Tribes and silos

    Because of the general nature of the course, there is no specific pre-requirements, except curiosity and willingness to deliberate complex issues from various viewpoints.

    In the first part of the course, we study 1) the basic nature of each pattern, 2) the reasons behind the pattern, 3) practical consequences and problems created by the pattern, and 4) some connections between the patterns.

    The main course material (to be read at the beginning of the course) is K. Kilkki, An Introduction to Communications Ecosystems (available at Additional reading material particularly for those patterns that are not covered by the ecosystem book include excerpts from R. Hämäläinen, R. Jones, E. Saarinen, Being Better Better, Living with Systems Intelligence, and P. Senge, The Fifth Discipline.

    An intermediate exam will be arranged after this part with the main purpose of promoting the understanding of the patterns.

    In the second part of the course, we are looking for patterns from real cases. Cases are often, but not always, related to communications technologies or communications ecosystems. This part also contains small experiments, exercises, and group works that create distinct feelings about the nature of the patterns. 

    During the last three years, the overall student satisfaction has been over four (on a scale from 1 to 5). Thus, I am convinced that you will find some interesting and relevant patterns to be used both in your professional and personal life.

    You are warmly welcome to the course,

    Kalevi Kilkki
    Senior University Lecturer