Topic outline

  • General

    Registration for the course will be open until Tuesday 8.1.2019 at 23:59. After this DEADLINE, everyone MUST fill the Query by 9.1.2019 and all students will be assigned to the Topics by 10.1.2019. Therefore, late registrations will not be accepted in any case.

    How this course works:

    • This is one solid 10 credit course, replaces former E8002+E8003 courses.
    • The main activity in the course is participating in one project topic from the planning phase to the end, consisting of about 5 students.
    • All project topics are proposed by EEA department, own topics are not possible. Each project topic has an expert instructor, working in the department.
    • You cannot select the project topic directly, but the project topics are assigned based on the Query
    • In the Query (DL 9.1.2019 klo 10:00 AM) you will answer to questions like: "what is your Study Path in AEE Master's programme", "How much do you know about C++ programming" and "How much would you like to learn (more) about Microcontrollers".
    • If you have not selected your Study Path in AEE Master's Programme yet, now it is the time to do that.
    • Each project topic is designed to be suitable for a few Study Paths and there are various minimum skill levels and opportunities to learn things - you will get your project topic based on this match
    • Each project topic consists of about 5 students and one of you must be the Project manager. For this reason, Query also includes some question on that. Each group will have one or more candidates for the project manager role, but after starting, you have about 2-3 weeks to make the final decision within your student group.
    • After getting to know in which project you are going to be, the first priority is to meet your group and your Instructor, and start work towards project plan. The timeline to complete the project plan is very strict, you have only three weeks to complete it and this requires negotiations with your Instructor.
    • Later on, there is a business aspects exercise on your project topic, supported with lectures.
    • In the end, 21.5.2019 the Final Gala will take place, then all technical work should be completed and after that there is about a week to complete the Final report.
    • The grading of the course is based on self-assessment, peer-evaluation within the project topic group and teacher assessment. This will done the first time after week 11 and the second time after week 21. Each student will get a personal grade from 1 to 5. 

    Major Common Events

    • 8.1.2019 12:15-14:00 Kickoff lecture (TU1 / TUAS building)
    • 10.1.2019 12:15-14:00 Project planning lecture plus meeting your group at very first time (TU1)
    • 17.1.2019 12:15-14:00 Project planning lecture (TU1)
    • 22.1.2019 12:15-14:00 Project planning lecture (TU1)
    • 24.1.2019 12:15-14:00 Project planning lecture (TU1)
    • 14.2.2019 12:15-14:00 Standardization and standards in product development (TU1)
    • 26.2.2019 12:15-14:00 Business aspects Kickoff (TU1)
    • 28.2.2019 12:15-14:00 Business aspects lecture (T2, Konemiehentie 2)
    • 5.3.2019 12:15-14:00 Business aspects lecture (TU1)
    • 7.3.2019 12:15-18:00 Business aspects booster session (meeting room 1593 / TUAS building)
    • 12.3.2019 8:35-14:00, Business aspects seminar (TU1), mandatory
    • 21.5.2019 8:00-18:00 Final Gala (TUAS building), mandatory

    Note. Put these events into your calendar. Only one seminar and final gala are mandatory events, while the others are just beneficial for your exercises.

    Note: Common events like lectures are a minor part of involvement required in your schedule. You will agree on the meetings within the project topic with the project group, including the Instructor, so this course will take much more calendar space than the common activities mentioned above.

    Major Common Milestones

    • 8.1.2019 Kickoff
    • 8.1.2019 23:59 Registration for the course is CLOSED in Oodi
    • 9.1.2019 10:00AM First mandatory task; the QUERY will be CLOSED
    • 10.1.2019 You know your project topic
    • 4.2.2019 23:59, deadline to submit the Project plan, must be accepted by Instructor
    • 8.3.2019 23:59, deadline to submit Presentation Slides for Business aspects seminar
    • 15.3.2019 23:59, deadline to submit the Business aspects document, accepted by Instructor
    • 13.5.2019 08:00 deadline to submit poster designs for Final gala
    • 31.5.2019 12:00, deadline to submit final reports to MyCourses (approved by the Instructor)

    Note: These are just common milestones for the course. Per project topic, there will be another deadlines, but you will design these in the project planning phase and the agreement on those is written into the accepted and submitted Project plan.

    Public website

    The public website for the course, presenting of completed projects is available at:
    Under that website you can access Final reports of all earlier completed projects.

    Contact information

    Responsible teacher Timo Oksanen ( (at) will answer to all questions related to the course organization and later when you know your Project topic, the official instructor of that project will be the contact person in all issues related to the specific project.