LC-1110 - Online Writing Skills for Engineers 1 (w) - V07, 07.01.2019-21.02.2019
This course space end date is set to 21.02.2019 Search Courses: LC-1110
Topic outline
LC-1110 is an online-based course on writing and covers some of the fundamental concepts of good academic writing, such as readability, clarity and word choice. This course includes a variety of learning tasks and materials that can be studied independently on a weekly basis, such as handouts, instructional videos, and interactive exercises (quizzes). The completion of study materials and exercises constitutes 60% and the final exam 40% of the course grade. The course is graded in the scale of 0-5.
The final exam is held at the following times in a computer lab, Otakaari 1, Espoo:
21.2.2019 (Period III)
Group 1 at 15:30-17:00 (U351)
Group 2 at 17:00-18:30 (U351)