Topic outline

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      This assignment will be graded complete/ incomplete. Incompletion of this assignment will incur a penalty of 2 marks in the course.

      Consider atleast 5 types of projects. For each project category list the key factors to consider across each of the lifecycle phases. Present the results in a Table as discussed in Lecture 1.

      Which phases have greater variance in factors, and which phases are affected the least by the type of project? 

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      Submit case report (teams of 2-3) on one of the listed case topics (Topics will be announced in the second lecture). Report template (3000-4000 words) will be provided. Teams will supplement the report with references to technical reports and articles. The report should also connect to reflections on the site visit, in relation to the topic of the group. 

      (Please see the discussion session for further clarifications

      1. Each group is free to choose their own topic. One way to think of topic is to think of a technology or approach + A purpose of phase. For example,  

      Volumetric construction (+) supply chain management >>> How does volumetric construction impact supply chain management?
      Volumetric construction (+) safety in construction sites >>> Implications of volumetric construction on safety in construction sites?
      BIM models on tablet devices (+) productivity in construction sites >>> How does access to BIM models in construction sites impact productivity?

      Also, at least one paragraph of your report should reflect your experience on the topic with regards to the site you visit.

      To look at potential technological approaches, you can also refer to reports such as

      2. A tentative template for the report is attached. The template is meant to provide an example and it is not mandatory to follow this structure.

      Assignment 1 Template.docx

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      BIM exercise as a teamwork (teams of 2-3). Submit model, drawings and a brief report (1000 words)

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