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      Business Plan

      The business plan describes the strategy the team company will use to compete, how the goals are set and how strategy is to be implemented. A well-made business plan will also help teams in securing additional venture capital in the game.

      The business plan should contain the name of your team/company and approximately follow the structure below:

      1. Cover page (company name, player names and student numbers and roles) (1 A4)
      2. Executive summary (1 A4 in its own page)
      3. Management team introduction and division of labor
      4. Vision (what do we want to be), mission (why do we exist) and values (what do we believe in)
      5. Strategic analyses (environment, competition, etc.)
      6. Strategic choices
        1. Competitive strategy (cost leadership, differentiation, focus, ...)
        2. Specific strategies, for example:
          1. Marketing strategy (target market, positioning)
          2. Technology strategy (for example, technology leadership)
          3. Personnel strategy
          4. Business environment strategy
          5. Internationalization strategy, etc.
      7. Strategic objectives, how to measure them, and target levels
        1. Customer
        2. Financial
        3. Internal business processes
        4. Learning and growth
      8. Implementation of strategic choices
      9. Risks (e.g. identified risks, risk scenarios)

      Compulsory appendices (these must be a part of the plan)

      1. Budgeted profit and loss account for 6 seasons (can also be longer)
      2. Budgeted cash flow statement for 6 seasons (can also be longer)
      3. Investment analysis and financing plans. Always include although you decide not to do. Either one small facility in Domestica or Externa or large facility in Terra Nova.  

      Business plan maximum length is 12 A4 pages (including cover page) with 12 point font and single spacing:

      • Cover page including your names and the name of your team (1 page),
      • Executive summary (1 page),
      • Table of contents (1 page),
      • Content (Max 5 pages),
      • Appendix 1: Budgeted profit and loss account (max 1 page),
      • Appendix 2: Budgeted cash flow statement (max 1 page),
      • Appendix 3: Investment analyses and financing plan (max 2 pages).

      Appendices must be referred to in the content text!

      Maximum total length: 12 pages! Overlong business plans will be penalized at 10% per page!

      Return in one PDF document! All additional files such as excel files will be ignored!