Topic outline

  • From this section you can find the overall schedule for the course and other practical information. 

    Please note: each lecture on Tuesdays (12:30-16:15) is divided into two parts: lecture itself and hands-on training. These Tuesday sessions are compulsory and you need to attend to minimum five out of six of them, in order to pass the course. Workshops on Thursdays are optional. 

    Course schedule:

    WeekLecture date
    Tue at 
    12:30-14:00 @ U401a

    14:15-16:15 @ U351 
    (Otakaari 1) 

    ThemeWorkshop date
    Thu at 9:15-11:00 
    U256 (Otakaari 1)

    Home assignment
    Mondays by 23:55
    16Tue 16.4.20181. Global water resources; 
      + Introduction to the course
    Thu 18.4.2018Mon 22.4.2018
    17Tue 23.4.2. Population dynamics
      + project work kick-off
    Thu 25.4.Mon 30.4.
    18** Mon 29.4. (note the date!)3. Land cover change and food productionThu 2.4Mon 6.5.
    19Tue 7.5.4. Water use

    Thu 9.5. @Y344

    Mon 13.5.
    20Tue 14.5.5. Water scarcityThu 16.5. Mon 20.5.
    21Tue 21.5.6. Socio-economics of water and foodThu 23.5.Wed 29.5.
    22Tue 28.5. Project presentation  - 
    you can decide within the small groups 
    when is the best time for you to present; 
    presentation session takes around 3 hrs. 

    ** note the change in date; same classrooms for lecture and hands-on training

    Course plan

    You can download the course plan from here

    Introductory ppt

    Introduction ppt (includes all the practicalities, grading criteria in more details, etc)


    The grading is based on following division: active participation in lecture-exercise sessions (1/5), home assignments (2/5), individual project work (2/5). Please see the introductory ppt for more detail description of the grading, criteria, point limits for each grade, etc.

    R for own computer

    We will be using R over RStudio for spatial analyses. You can install these to your own computer. Below are useful links:

    - R:

    - RStudio:

    - Guide to installe these on Windows or Mac:

    Classrooms with Adobe Illustrator: 

    please follow this link for an up-to-date list (classrooms with Adobe CC Full or Adobe CC Small have Illustrator on their computers).