Osion kuvaus

  • Theme lecture

    The theme lecture is available at the following web-page:

    ppt with reply to feedback

    Prezi presentation of the water use

    Hands-on exercise

    You can get the Theme 4 exercise from git by following instructions below: 

    1. Start RStudio
    2. If it did not start where you left (or you have done something else in the meanwhile), navigate to the exercise directory
    3. Tools -> Shell
    4. this command will make a "checkpoint" where you can come back: git commit -am "my changes after exercise 3"
    5. give command to retrieve new exercise and other changes: git pull

    Instructions on how to solve problems with new version of lecture 4

    On 9.5. workshop, we presented some changes to demo 4 due to basin_id:s being defined wrongly during the exercise. The changes made were done after line 206 (after extracting wu_electricity_basins):

    wu_domestic_basins$ID <- all_basins_shape$basin_id
    wu_irrigation_basins$ID <- all_basins_shape$basin_id
    wu_livestock_basins$ID <- all_basins_shape$basin_id
    wu_industry_basins$ID <- all_basins_shape$basin_id
    wu_electricity_basins$ID <- all_basins_shape$basin_id

    This was done to fix the basin ids to correspond with ids in all_basins_shape. Otherwise, using intermediate results after (e.g. water use by sectors) using selection by basin id would yield erroneous results. The changes are committed to wp-course-exercises git repository, which means that you can pull the changes from there, too.

    However if you encounter problems using git pull, the following steps need to be taken. The problems are caused by some minor whitespace changes in lecture files and they will be solved by removing those files. It is wise to copy the lecture files to another folder outside wp-course-exercises just in case. The problems with git can be solved by the following commands in shell:

    git pull

    git commit -am “commit changes to cause conflict”

    git pull

    rm ‘Theme 2/lecture2.Rmd’

    rm ‘Theme 4/lecture4.Rmd’ 

    git commit -am "removed problematic files"

    git pull

    The final command should return "Already up-to-date", and our changes are applied in the repository. The changes are available in demo4.Rmd.

    Home assignment

    1. Discover water use patterns and trends in your study area 


    1. please develop your own research question
    2. produce one page pdf (A4/A3) with following structure: a) title; b) research question and short introduction; c) maps, graphs, etc of the results with captions d) interpretation of the results
    3. you can get help to possible problems by a) searching from internet: there are many people with similar problems; b) posting question to the discussion forum of the course (tool below the text; teachers and other students will be answering to those questions); c) coming to Thursday workshop, or d) asking your fellow students directly
    4. once you are happy with the end result, please submit the work (see below Submission)

    Ideas for research questions - please note that from now on, innovative research questions and set up will result higher points

    • Irrigation water consumption trends vs cropland expansion
    • water use per capita of project area vs global average
    • environmental flows compared to human induced water uses
    • trends in share of different water use sectors over time

    Graph types:
     include either vector graphic map or '100% stacked bar graph' to home assignment. See example charts under 'Visualisation guides and examples' -tab 

    Submission: please submit the assignment by using the submission icon below. 

    2. Project presentation

    I have now opened the tab for the project work - please take a look. It would be good to start slowly thinking about the presentation and what you would like to present in it. 

    Thursday workshop

    Note: workshop will be in room Y344! On Thursday we have a workshop in where you can get help on the home assignment and project work. Schedule is this week a bit different to previous ones, and is as follows:

    9:15 - 10:30 support to your home assignments

    10:30 - 11:00 short introduction how to enhance vector maps in illustrator

    11:00 -> support to your home assignment

    • Please submit the 4th assignment here; instructions are given in the main page. 

      Please remember: submission is due on Mon 13.5. at 23:55. Should you submit the assingment late, you'll get only half of the points. The submission will be closed completely on 20.5, after which you are not able to submit the assignment. 

      Before submission, please check:

      • your home assignment fits to one page
      • the format of the submission is pdf
      • assignment includes either vector graphic map or 100% stacked bar plot