Topic outline

  • General

    • Group choice icon

      Before anyone in your group submits assignment 1, please click yourself to your own assignment group. This is necessary for you to get the feedback and grade for the assignment.

    • Page icon

        Course Schedule (also available as a printable version in the "Course syllabus" pdf-file above).

        Session 1 (Wednesday, February 6)

      • Introductions
      • Course overview
      • Communication strategy
      • Practice case analysis
      • Instructions for A1: written request

      Deduction due to an unexcused absence on first day of the course: 5 points (on a 100-point scale) will be deducted from the student’s final raw score before converting it to the final grade.


        Prepare for next class: 

      1. A1: Written request 1st version (team)

      Bring a paper copy of A1 to class on Thursday. You will get feedback on the assignment, and the final version will be due on Friday.

      1. Read Inputs 1, 2 and 3 (communication strategy, persuasive techniques, effective writing), available in MyCourses

        Session 2 (Thursday, February 7)

      • Effective writing
      • Written request analysis
      • Peer feedback on A1 Written requests
      • Instructions for A2a and b: Individual, 5-minute persuasive presentation (a) outline and (b) presentation
      • Instructions for A5 Critical reflection



        Due today: 

        A1: Written request 1st version (team).

      Bring a paper copy of A1 to class. You will get feedback on it, and the final version will be due on Friday.

        Prepare for next class:

      1. A1: Written request final version (team); Upload to MyCourses by 13.00 on Friday.
      2. Read Input 4 (impactful presentations), available in MyCourses

        Session 3 (Friday, February 8)

      • Presentation techniques
      • Presentation practice 1


        Due today:

      A1 final version (team); upload to MyCourses by 13.00.

        Prepare for next class:

      1. A2a: Individual, 5-min persuasive presentation outline

        Upload to MyCourses by 13.00 on Monday.

      1. A2b: Individual, 5-min persuasive presentation to be given in class on Monday.

        Session 4 (Monday, February 11)

      • Nonverbal communication
      • A2b Individual persuasive presentations in small groups
      • Instructions for A4  team presentation
      • Instructions for A3 in-class test (procedure)



        Due today: 

      • A2a: Individual, 5-min persuasive presentation outline; upload to MyCourses by 13.00
      • A2b: Individual, 5-minute persuasive presentation; deliver in class

         Prepare for next class:

      • Review Reading inputs 1-4 + class materials for A3: In-class test
      • A4: Team presentation – start working on this

        Session 5 (Tuesday, February 12)

      • A3 In-class test in class (computer lab): quiz on readings + written task
      • Visual design


        Due today:

         A3 In-class test in class

        Prepare for next class:

      • A4 presentation story and visuals + max. 2-min presentation teaser. Also upload A4 visuals to MyCourses by 13.00 on February 13.

      • A2b presentation revised based on feedback that received on Feb 11

        Session 6 (Wednesday, February 13)

      • A4 Presentation teasers + coaching and feedback on visuals, storyline and arguments
      • Presentation practice 2: A2b presentation again in new small groups, modified based on the feedback that received on Feb 11

        Due today:

      • A4 Presentation visuals – bring to class on laptop or on paper. Be ready to give max. 2-min presentation teaser. Also upload A4 visuals to MyCourses by 13.00.

        Session 7 (Thursday, February 14)

        A4 Team presentations 1/2

      • Groups 1-5 present, groups 6-10 as audience and evaluators
      • Groups 1-5 watch their presentation video after presenting

        Due today:

      • A4: Team presentations, groups 1-5 present, 6-10 audience


        Session 8 (Friday, February 15)

        A4 Team presentations 2/2

      • Groups 6-10 present, groups 1-5 as audience and evaluators
      • Groups 6-10 watch their presentation video after presenting


        Due today:

      • A4: Team presentations, groups 6-10 present, 1-5 audience

        Due tomorrow:

      • A5: Individual critical appraisal. Return to MyCourses by 11 pm on Sunday, February 17.