ENG's DigiDevelopment Studios – EDDS 2018-2019
Osion kuvaus
Take a chance to concentrate on developing your course as well as your competence in collaboration with your colleagues. You can approach educational technology from different angles.
- How the usage of educational technology could increase flexibility and variation from both the teacher's and the student's point of view?
- How educational technology could improve interaction and collaboration?
- How educational technology could support the assessing of learning?
- Is educational technology able to provide more streamlined study paths?
- What kind of added value the use of educational technology gives to learning and teaching?
- Tukea opettajia hyödyntämään opetusteknologiaa opetuksessa ja opiskelussa pedagogisesti mielekkäällä ja perustellulla tavalla.
- Perustana opetuksen linjakkuus ja oppimisen laatu.
Mahdollisuus kokeilla ohjatusti Aallon opetusteknologian tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia.
- To support teachers to utilize educational technology in teaching and learning in a pedagogically meaningful and justified way.
- Based on constructively aligned teaching (focus on what and how studens learn rather than on what topics the teacher is to teach)
- The guided experimentation and training of Aalto's educational technology.
Here you can find the schedule, themes, places and participants of workshops