Topic outline

    • Submit here as an attachment the updated version of the plan.

      1. Click "Add a new topic"
      2. Write your message, attach the file and send your message.

      Instructions: Continue your pre-assignment utilizing reading materials, articles, workshop etc. Submit your plan v. 1.0 to MyCourses Studio 2/ First version of plan DL 15.1.2019 

      • Specify your pre-assignment / development plan/task.
      • Consider and write the pedagogical justification for your choices.
      • What is the problem you want to solve using teaching technology? or
      • What is the goal you want to achieve by using teaching technology?
      • How does it benefit the student and the teacher?
      • How does used technology support student learning in your course?
      • Have you found research articles on this topic? What is the benefit or help of them for your development plan?
      • Have workshops (video, Flipped, mycourses...) supported your development task? How? Why not?
      You are welcome to comment others' submissions, but please don't write them as a new topic.

    • Peer-feedback from development plans version 1.0

      Each of you need to read peer's development plan and prepare to give feedback 2nd Contact Session 22.1.2019.

      You find all development plans from this forum. Save it to yourself, read it, write your feedback and prepare to give it orally in contact session. You can give your written feedback to peer afterwards.

      Group A:

      • Spyros gives feedback to Kaur.
      • Kaur gives feedback to Sven.
      • Sven gives feedback to Annukka and
      • Annukka gives feedback to Spyros.

      And Jukka will give feedback to group A.

      Group B:

      • Hadi gives feedback to Ville.
      • Ville gives feedback to Athanasios.
      • Athanasios gives feedback to Arttu and
      • Arttu gives feedback to Hadi.

      And Maire will give feedback to group B.

      Because Heikki will be absent on Tuesday, 22nd January, Jukka and Maire will give feedback to him.