ENG's DigiDevelopment Studios – EDDS 2018-2019
Topic outline
Hyödyllisiä Google Scholar sivuja:
Ari Korhosen Google Scholar sivu https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=XR458fQAAAAJ&hl=fi
LeTech tutkimusryhmän Google Scholar sivu https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=evaMgpcAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&pagesize=100
Aalto-yliopiston yliopistopedagoginen koulutus Inside-sivu / In University Pedagogical Training Inside page:
Links regarding teaching, learning and education/ Opetukseen ja oppimiseen liittyviä verkkomateriaaleja
Teaching in online learning context 2013: Terry Anderson
eBreak session on ThursdayseBrake is a serie of webinar sessions held on Thursdays. In each session there’s going to be a demonstration on some tool of educational technology, with a different subject every week. Subjects relate to features of MyCourses, Turnitin, Presemo and Panopto.
Information and materials: eBreak – links, materials and examples for teachers
Recordings of the online sessions: eBreak Panopto folderWhat: Demonstrations on tools of educational technology.
Where: Online with your computer, link announced at inside and MyCourses workspace
When: On Thursdays, usually at 9:00 (20 min)More info: Jukka Välimäki (jukka.valimaki@aalto.fi)
MyCourses course design workshop:
Video opetuksessa - Educational video
Linkkejä ja pdf-materiaaeja:
Videolla esiintymisestä lyhykäisesti: Baba Lybeck https://aalto.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=e3ffcc7c-6f67-4394-a151-5768c8db2a4c
Toinen video esiintymisestä https://wistia.com/library/video-inspiration/educating-employees-about-being-on-camera