
  • Welcome to LC-7105 Thesis Incubator!

    thesis writing
    Image source: https://pixabay.com/en/laptop-woman-education-study-young-3087585/

    This Thesis Incubator group is open for Aalto ARTS students ONLY and meant for students who have struggled with their thesis writing due to e.g. having been away for sickness, maternity leave, work, family issues or due to having a learning difficulty or other similar reasons explained upon registration in WebOodi.

    This Thesis Incubator group has four compulsory group meetings:

    Tue 15 January 9.15 - 12.30 in U414c

    Tue 12 Feb 9.15 - 12.30 in U414c

    Tue 12 March 9.15 - 12.30 in U414c

    Tue 9 April 9.15 - 12.30 in U414c

    (Tue 7 May 9.15 - 12.30 in U414c)


    20 h of contact teaching and 34 h of independent work

    Learning Outcomes 

    The Thesis Incubator is intended for students whose master’s thesis process has stalled and who find it difficult to produce scientific text. After the Thesis Incubator, students will

    - recognise their challenges and strengths in writing
    - have an idea of the thesis and its basic requirements as a whole
    - have a realistic view of the structure and implementation of their thesis
    - have made progress in their thesis
    - have gained an understanding of the principles that support and give structure to the thesis writing process
    - have the skills to further their thesis independently and systematically.


    The mental, social and practical challenges related to thesis writing such as
    - controlling the writing process and learning related practical methods
    - recognising writer’s block and overcoming it
    - using different writing techniques as tools for organising knowledge and structuring the writing process
    - understanding your thesis as a whole and writing systematically

    Assessment Methods and Criteria 

    Attending group meetings once a month, furthering the master’s thesis with the teacher of the Thesis Incubator, and doing exercises on thesis writing and process directing, both as a group and independently. Passing the course requires regular attendance at the group meetings (max 1 absence allowed) and doing exercises that further the master’s thesis process.

    Study Material 

    Provided by the teacher

    Course Homepage 



    The course is intended for students who are pursuing a master´s degree in an Aalto university programme and have had their thesis topic approved by their thesis supervisor.

    Grading Scale 
