Osion kuvaus

  • Thursday 4.4.2019 Deadline for Preliminary Assignment

    Seminars in TU6, Maarintie 8
    Please note, mandatory 15 min feedback sessions in May by William Martin. May 8 and 9, times to be set.

    Monday 8.4.2019

    12.15 –13.15

    Getting to Know Participants and Course Practicalities Antti & Marja

    13.15 – 13.45

    Welcome and a lesson of Peer Review, Vice Dean,  Prof. Vesa Välimäki

    13.45 – 13.55


    13.55 14.30
    Publication platform and library services, Information specialist
    Laura Mure


    Tuesday 9.4.2019

    12.15 – 12.35

    12.35 13.35

    Doctoral studies, Planning officer Kati Voutilainen

    Group work (pre-assignments)

    13.35 – 13.45


    13.45 – 14.20

    Travel information (Travel bill, M2),  Coordinator Marjaana Lewis

    14.20 – 15.00

    Research ethics, Prof. Ari Sihvola



    Wednesday 10.4.2019


    Scientific writing workshop, Language instructor William Martin


    Group work (ethics) & Individual work, Career (CV, Future plans)

     Deadline for the Career Assignment.

    Thursday 11.4.2019


    CV and Academic CV, workshop, HR Coordinator Katja Korpinummi & HR secretary Elisa Utriainen

    14.00 – 14.30

    Immaterial rights, Senior Legal Councel Maria Rehbinder

    Researcher's social media: Twitter, Communications Specialist
    Riikka Hopiavaara

     Deadline for the Ethics Assignment

    Friday  12.4.2019

    12.15 – 13.00

    Ethics presentations

    13.00 –13.30
     Panel: Professors Jaan Praks and Ville Kyrki, Doctoral Student Anastasiia Kravtcova and Dr. Dimitrios Tzarouchis


    Evaluation forms, feedback info about assignments & credits