Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Learn how to prototype Web services! This course is the middle part of three part course on design of Web services. Before starting this part, you need to complete the Web Service Design course. In this part, you will learn how to

    • How to develop a Web service prototype
    • How to collect user feedback
    • How to update your project plan
    The final part of the three series is Web Service implementation, where you learn how to implement a Web Service.

    The course is done in groups of three students.

    This is totally online course! This part has one online meeting:

    • Demo gala (exact date and time will be announced later)

    In addition, each group can have online meetings with their assistant. We will use Zoom for all online meetings.

    In addition, we use Piazza for online discussion.You can register to the course Piazza page using this link

    Please note that this course is intended for students of Network university FITech (https://fitech.io/instructions-for-applying/).

    If you are already a degree student in Aalto University, you should take the course CS-E4400 Design of WWW Services instead.