Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Keskustelualue icon
      Duration: 5 days (Fri. 12th – Thu. 18th of April)


      Pre assignment / Homework / preparation for the course:

      The processes of filmmaking: Map out all the processes you can think of that you are involved in on a film production.

      DAY 1: 12. 4 Personal leadership 9.30-16

      Leadership exercise

      What is a film director (or a leader)

      Introduction to coaching.

      Coaching in pairs: Leadership traits - Senge: Where I am and what I am aiming for.

      DAY 2: 15.4 Communication: 9.30-16

      HOMEWORK: Think of a process in filmmaking that you feel uncomfortable with and would rather be without.


      A drawing exercise in communication

      Tappers and listeners



      Reflecting teams

      DAY 3: 16.4 Processes and work relations: 9.30-16


      Mapping processes on a blackboard (based on their preparation for the course)

      An overview of skills and expectations

      DAY 4: 17.4 Self study (no class)

      What two processes will I give extra attention to and how?

      Mapping out an overview of yourself: Skills and expectations. Where do you want to move yourself?

      Mapping out an overview over colleagues – skills and expectatiions

      DAY 5: 18. 4 Individual times or groups of 3 9.30 – 18h

      Consultations in groups of approximatly 3

      If time: Training motivational conversations with colleagues.