
  • Developing assessment practices at own major, programme, or other academic community

    The  2 credits part is about developing assessment practices not only at your own course.

    (2 credits = 54 hrs)

    This is based on the plan you did during the spring 2019 part of the course ( 3 credits).

    The  2 credits part includes three steps (Option A, B), or do not hesitate to suggest your own way of learning more about assessment!

    Hence, Option C is up to you. 

    1 step)
    Option A) Implementation (the plan you have done during the 3 credits course, or part of, it in practice), or
    Option B)  Read more and make a  programme-level plan for developing Assessment  Programme.

    2 step ) Reflection with peer group and Viivi. During autumn 2019, one face-to-face session of 2 hours.
    3 step) Sharing with academic community (e.g. by participating in December 2019 Learning@Aalto) 

    First, think about what is your way to complete the 2 credits part. Then, start the 2 crds course by writing a suggestion, in which you tell  when you will implement and what; and  a suggestion about step 3 meaning how you would like to share the experiences of peer/self/other assessment. Submit the short suggestion, max A4, below into the forum, dead line 15.6. 2019.