Topic outline

  • For the third contact day, you can select 1 paper from the following list:


    Nicol, D. (2010). From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback processes in mass higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(5), 501–517.



    Andrade and  Du. 2007. Student responses to criteria referenced self-assessment

    Miihkinen* and Virtanen. 2017. Development and Application of Assessment Standards to Advanced Written Assignments


    Panadero &  Romero 2014 To rubric or not to rubric? The effects of selfassessment on self-regulation, performance and self-efficacy


    Davey & Palmer 2012. Student Peer Assessment: A research study in a level III core course of the bachelor chemical engineering program

    Yucel et al. 2014. The road to self-assessment: exemplar marking before peer review develops first-year students’ capacity to judge the quality of a  scientific report



    Cukusic et al 2014. Online self-assessment and studentssuccess in higher education institutions

    Häsä et al. 2019 Evaluating students' self-assessment in large classes. In Print.

    Panadero, Brown, Strijbos. 2015. The Future of Student Self-Assessment: a Review of Known Unknowns and Potential Directions

    Continuous assessment

    Tuunila & Pulkkinen 2014 Effect of continuous assessment on learning outcomes on two chemical engineering courses: case study

    Validity and reliability
    Crisp 2017

    Student Evaluation in Design Studio Courses, Aalto

    - Thomas Laine. Thesis.


    NOT so in focus in this course but in first day slides
    Conceptions of assessment
    - Halinen, K. Ruohoniemi, M., Katajavuori, N. & Virtanen, V. 2012.  Life science teachers’ discourse on assessment: a valuable insight into the variable conceptions of assessment in higher education Journal of Biological Education pp. 1-7;
    - Postareff, L., Virtanen, V.,  Katajavuori, N. &, Lindblom-Ylänne, S. 2012 Academics’ conceptions of the purpose assessment and their assessment practices. Studies in Educational Evaluation 38, 3–4, 84–92.