Osion kuvaus

  • Learning Outcomes: After this module you are able to

    • recognize different tools of educational technology 
    • select appropriate educational technology tools /methods for your course
    • justify your choices and explain the added value of educational technology in your course

    During this module, your learning assignments are (4):

    1. Get to know different digital tools for teaching at the latest 29.2.2020

    • In this section you can find introductory material for the following tools: Panopto, MyCourses, Presemo, Exam & Turnitin.
    • Read and watch videos about these tools. Test them, if you are able to. When you have familiarized yourself with a tool, you can mark it completed by clicking the gray cube on it.
    • If you have questions or you'd like to receive guidance, please notice the link Information systems for teaching and their email addresses below the topic Useful links. Messages to those addresses are read and answered by specialists in Aalto's ICT for Learning team.

    2. Theme discussion 17.-29.2.2020 (Find your group's Theme discussion forum under Peer Groups and activities -topic on the left)

    B. Continue your Course Plan version 4.0 DL 29.2.2020
    *  How do you use digital tools/platforms in your course? 
    *  What kind of added value it provides?
    *  Give also justifications for using chosen tools.

    • Submit your plan v. 4.0 to Drop box for course plan v. 4.0 (Course plan: template and versions and drop box for versions 4.0 and final on the left).
    • This is the version your teacher is going to give feedback about DL 5.3.2020.

    4. Case-working: Continue to create solution (17.-29.2.2020) for given case wrote by other group and add your solution video to case-discussion forum DL 1.3.2020 (peer groups and activities -> case working) 

    • Learning materials: Digital tools for teaching

      What kind of use of educational technology would support achieving the intended learning outcomes? How to utilize technology to create flexible learning processes? How to scaffold learning activities to students? How to make materials and different tools for learning accessible?

      These are questions about the use of educational technology. It's not just about how the teacher uses the devices, but about knowing the goals, designing the learning process and supporting students in the related activities.

      You can also use other solutions of educational technology than the ones listed below. However, Aalto's official support is only available for Aalto's official tools. If you expect students to use other digital tools, in addition to teaching students how to use them you must also ensure that these tools do not collect unauthorized information from their users.
    • Sivu icon

      In this course you are required to make a video about your group's case. There are many ways to create and share a video, but Panopto is recommended one you can choose: Record a video with your mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer or any other digital video camera, upload it via Panopto application and share it in the Panopto web service.

      Here you can find more detailed instructions to these steps and more information about Panopto.

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      MyCourses is Aalto University's digital learning environment. This very page is in the MyCourses. Each course has a MyCourses workspace that can be used to send out announcements, share material, receive student submissions, grade student work and give feedback.

    • Sivu icon
      What can you do with MyCourses or how does some feature of it work? Here you can find ~20min videos about educational technology, mainly about MyCourses.
    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Presemo is a web-based lecture participation system. The students participate by opening the student view in their mobile device's web browser and interacting with lecturer-initiated activities such as chat, polls or voting.

      This link takes you to the Presemo instructions, but Aalto University's Presemo sessions are registered here: presemo.aalto.fi

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Turnitin is a tool for enhancing skilful writing and preventing plagiarism. In practise, it is a submission inbox for papers. Turnitin checks texts against comparison databases for similarity and generates a similarity report.

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      Exam is a service for electronic assessment of learning. With Exam students can take exams at times suitable for them in automaticly supervised Exam rooms. First the teacher creates the exam in the Exam system, then the student registers for the exam and makes the exam reservation in the exam room (2 rooms at Otaniemi). When the student has taken the exam in a Exam room the teacher receives an automatic email notice, and can go to Exam system to assess the submission and to give feedback.

      Behind this link you can find instruction to the Exam software. You can reach Exam-system admin for technical and pedagogical help by email: exam@aalto.fi

    • Useful links

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Especially the section: Training to support digital teaching

    • Verkko-osoite icon
      Guides and information about Learning and Student Information Systems in Aalto.
    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Email addresses you can send support and consultation requests, if you questions or if you'd like to have guidance on digital tools of teaching. Requires sign in).

    • Tiedosto icon


      DigiToteemi, Helsingin yliopisto. (2019). Digitaalisuus koulutuksessa -käsitekartta / Digitality in education -mindmap. https://blogs.helsinki.fi/toteemi-hanke/