Osion kuvaus

  • The slides of the fourth day and flingas will be posted here.  A list containing different teaching methods and activities follows.

    The substitute assignment for those who were unable to attend day 4 is at the bottom of the page.

    • Oppitunti icon
      The activities in this course are placed in three groups:
      • Teacher-led
        • Online Lectures
        • Guest lectures
        • Student discussions/reflection in pairs or groups
        • Teacher-teacher discussions
        • Student-teacher discussions
      • Group work
        • Gallery walk
        • Making posters
        • Learning café
        • Group meetings
      • Other activities
        • Observation
        • Writing
        • Ways to form groups
        • Change of rhythm of activities
        • Breaks
        • Feedback
          • via online tool
          • oral (as part of lecture)
          • learning cafe
    • Kansio icon

      Attached are the Flingas worked on Monday

    • Tehtävä icon

      Read the slides for day 4. Reflect on the content of the slides and give an excaple of a group forming and working. You can reflect the following:

      • Could you see the stages of the group forming?
      • What went especially well/ where could be place for improvement?
      • What kind of roles were visible in the group?
      • How could you as a teacher help the group to succeed in their task?
      • What was the beenfit of working in a group?

      Write about a page to a page-and-a-half of text for this assignment.

      Also, remember to give feedback of the whole course.