
  • PED-131.9000 Teaching assistant as a learning instructor (2 cr, spring 2020, Group B)

    Info for the Day 4. lecture

    We have special arrangements for our course:

    Contact session 4. is held online via Zoom

    1. You will enter zoom space via this link at. 9.00 am at Tuesday
    LINK:  https://aalto.zoom.us/j/480261607
    - In this Zoom session Sara Rönkkönen, a specialist from Aalto AllWell-study wellbeing initiative, will have her lecture

    2. After Sara`s lecture we will continue in another Zoom space (B-group):

    In this zoom space we will have discussion and group works via Zoom.

    Information and support: How to teach remotely?


    Welcome to the course page of teaching assistant as a learning instructor.

    The course, comprising four three-hour teaching sessions, is designed to provide you with tools and ideas to support your work as a teaching assistant. Each session will deal with one or two themes in an interactive manner.

    You can earn two credit points by attending all four teaching sessions and doing all the course work.

    Learning outcomes

    After the course you will

    • be able to observe the classroom environment from the learning perspective and identify aspects to support students' learning process
    • recognise ways to support students' study motivation
    • identify your role as a learning instructor

    Course schedule and place

    The schedule for the course is the following:

    • Tuesday 4.2.2020 at 13.00-16.00 in class U262 (KPMG) in Otakaari 1
    • Thursday 27.2.2020 at 13.00-16.00 in class U6 (13-14) and U406b (14-16) in Otakaari 1
    • Wednesday 18.3.2020 at 9.00–12.00 in class U9 (9-10) and class Y308 (10-12) in Otakaari 1
    • Tuesday 31.3.2020 at 9.00-12.00 in class M202 (9-10) and in class L102 (10-12), in Väre building

    Course teachers

    This course is organized in collaboration of Schools of CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SGI and the University Pedagogical training network.

    The course teachers are Miia Forstén and Essi Nuotio (firstname.surname@aalto.fi), educational developers at SCI Learning Services.

    Course structure

    Course structure

    Small groups of the course:

    Group 1.

    Alireza Nemat Saberi
    Judit Nyari
    Daria Osipova
    Ricardo Reyes Garza

    Group 2.

    Qianyuan Qiu
    Ana Reinbold
    Azimatu Seidu
    Linda Sederholm

    Group 3.

    Gengmu Ruan
    Amir Sepehr
    Damla Serper
    Fereshteh Sohrabi
    Omar Velazquez Martinez

    Group 4.

    Hosein Sadeghi
    Kavya Sreekumar

    Teemu Välisalmi
    Yin Yin

    Group 5.

    Seela Tervo
    Nikhilendu Tiwary
    Lauri Vähä-Savo
    Jihong Yim