Osion kuvaus

  • Etusivu

    This workspace contains information on thesis work supervised by Antti Hannukainen. 


    I am an assistant professor at the department of mathematics and systems analysis working on topics related to numerical analysis. You can have a look at my recent research at researchgate.net

    If you are looking for a thesis topic related to my interests, feel free to contact me.  I am best reached by e-mail: antti.hannukainen@aalto.fi 

    Thesis process

    Typical steps in a  bachelor / master thesis supervised by me are:

    1. Preliminary meeting. The process begins by a preliminary meeting where suitable topic or topics are discussed. When choosing your topic, take into account that the thesis should be finished within six months. 
    2. Kick-off meeting. After the topic is decided, the implementation and schedule are fixed. 

    3. Weekly meetings. The thesis work proceeds with weekly meetings, depending on the needs of the student. In these meetings I give feedback on your writing, answer question, give literature references and advices.  To get feedback, please send the current drat to me one day before our meeting. I can / am happy to read early drafts.

    4. Thesis presenation. When the thesis is completed, you will give a scientific presentation about your findings. The presentation is organised as a part of the weekly applied mathematics umbrella group meetings.

    5. Feedback meeting. At the end, I organize a meeting where I explain the grading of the thesis. At this meeting, we discuss the learning process and you are welcome to give me feedback. 

    In addition, there exists a formal byrocratic process related to thesis work. Important deadlines and other information can be found here for Bachelor and Masters students. 

    Advice on writing the thesis 

    Writing is often the most challenging task in any thesis project. Especially, writing formal mathematics can be a challenge. I recommend you to start working on the text from the very beginning. I am happy to comment un-finnished during our weekly meetings. 

    The university offers writing help for students in the form of writing clinic and courses on scientific writing. I recommend participation to all students. There exists literature specifically on writing mathematics. A freely available and good text is “A Primer of Mathematical Writing” by Steven G. Krantz.


    You should use the Turnitin - system to support good scientific writing practices and to prevent plagiarism. To use Turnitin, submit thesis draft via the Submissions-page. A report showing similarities between your text and sources in the comparison database is automatically generated from your submission. Please, read Aalto University Turnitin instructions, especially how to interpret a Turnitin similarity report.

    The final version of the thesis can be submitted in a separate inbox where both the similarity report is generated and the paper is stored in Turnitin student paper repository to protect it against plagiarism.

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