Osion kuvaus

  • ARK-E2013 Building Design Studio 1 (12ECT)

    Autumn 2020, period I-II, 8.9. - 16.12.2020 


    Travel Architecture on the Arctic Circle

    The studio task is to design travel architecture in Lapland, near the Arctic Circle. We will focus on developing architecture arising from the environmental and cultural context. In the course work the goal is to explore new possibilities for tourism in the arctic area in relation to nature. The students will work on the whole site designing the visitors’ experience starting from the arrival and the reception spaces continuing into the lodgings and the service spaces such as the restaurant.

    In the beginning of the studio we will visit the site in Rovaniemi, meet the clients, observe the local conditions and record our experience as the basis for our design work. The individual experience of the place and the site analysis conducted in groups will serve as the ground from which to build your own design proposal.

    During the studio you will get to know the practical and the experiential level of designing spaces for travel. You will analyze different approaches to designing hospitality services and develop your own concept for the accommodation of the guests. The total extent of the designed spaces will be roughly 8000-10000 m2. The final room program comprising of the accommodation units, the reception building, the restaurant spaces and other services such as saunas will be drafted by the students.

    The aim of the studio is for the students to deepen their understanding of the design process of a large public building, working to incorporate the functionality, the sustainability and the aesthetic goals.

    The coursework is divided into five phases to offer the students support in structuring their own work through the semester. Each phase will end with a review and begin with a briefing for the task at hand.

    The design studio is supported by a lecture series on the theme. All studio participants will take part in ARK-E2006 Building Design Studio Lectures (3ect). During the lecture course you will be writing a reflection essay on how the themes discussed during the lectures have shaped your own design work and how they could be put into practice in your future work as an architect.


    Pirjo Sanaksenaho, DSc, Associate Professor 

    Maiju Suomi, Architect, University teacher 

    Heikki Viiri, Architect

    Erkko Aarti, Architect

    + visiting teachers

    During the course the reviews will also be visited by representatives of the client.


    The studio task will be presented on Tuesday 8.9.2020 in the studio opening session at 13.15-16 in Väre studio space J302. During the afternoon we will also present ourselves to each other through small presentations completed as a pre-assignment.

    Tutorials take place during periods I and II on Tuesdays at 13.15-16 in Väre studio space J302 or in zoom. Tutorials will be conducted partly in groups, partly as individual tutoring. Tutorial schedules will be posted on MyCourses in advance. If a student due to the corona virus situation cannot participate on site, tutoring can be arranged via zoom.

    Lectures (ARK-E2006 Building Design Lectures, 3ECT) take place on Tuesdays 10.15 – 12.00 in zoom during period I. Links to zoom meetings will be posted on MyCourses in advance.


    The language of the studio is English. 

    For more Info, please contact: 

    Maiju Suomi, University Teacher, maiju.suomi@aalto.fi