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      We will introduce ourselves to each other during the first studio meeting through a mini presentation in pecha kucha format.


      Make a dpf-presentation with three slides in landscape A4 format. On each slide use one image to answer the following questions:

      slide 1: What is important about architecture for me?

      slide 2: Describe an important experience of a built space you have had

      slide 3: What do you hope to learn during this studio?

      Name your file: firstname_lastname.pdf 

      Submit to MyCourses by Monday 7.9. at 15.00. Make sure to be in time so we have time to combine the files into one file and time them.

      On Tuesday 8.9. in the first studio meeting we will begin the session by presenting ourselves through this presentation. You will have 20 seconds per slide to answer the questions. The presentation will be timed. The presentations will run in alphabetical order based on our names.

      Looking forward to meeting you all!

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen (H01) Building Design Studio (Oodi)
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      Group Division for Site Analysis and Reference Analysis Fil XLSX

      For the site and reference project analysis you will work in groups. The groups are listed in the attached file. There you can also find the contact info for your group members to get organized.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen (H01) Building Design Studio (Oodi)
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Room Program Development and Analysis Inlämningsuppgift