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      Aalto rules - Teaching arrangements (12 August 2020) 

      As a rule, teaching will continue to be implemented remotely. Teaching which cannot be organised as remote teaching without significantly compromising the learning outcomes or quality of teaching will be organised on campus with due safety measures in place. As a rule, it is the responsibility of the departments and degree programmes to assess the need for on-site teaching on the basis of pedagogic viewpoints. However, teaching as a whole will be assessed from the viewpoint of the entire university and any changes to it are made in consultation with the schools.  

      Based on the rules above:

      • The lectures will be arranged at lecture hall R2 (contact teaching) for maximum of 40 students
      • The same lectures will be online via Zoom (remote teaching) - Zoom link will be provided via myCourses
      • The weekly exercise sessions will be only remotely  online via Zoom (remote teaching) - Zoom link will be provided via myCourses
      • For the weekly exercise session purpuse, there will be formed 4-5 separate groups of max.15- 20. The groups will be identified by a a list of student numbers belonging to each group.   One assistant assigned to each group will be assigned in order to have reasonably short response  time for each student from the assistant. The groups lists and the assistant names for each group togather with zoom links will be provided before the cessions start.  

      • How to participate in a zoom-meeting and a guide for Zoom:


      EXAM - 2020 - NEW


      General:  Passing the course: the student should have 1) obtained at least 40% of the HW obligatory points and 2) pass with, at least, grade 1, the written exam.


      GRADE:  The grade for the course will be the grade you obtain from the written exam which can be upgraded at most by when HW-points > 2/3 still holds.



      a) no registration needed

      b) A written open-books examination, (duration 3 hours + 15 min and four questions à 5 points/question.  Only three  of the four problems  should be answered and will be graded.

      c) You obtain the four questions (the exam paper-pdf) from MyCourses folder

      “Assignments & remote Exam [2020]' 10 min before the start of the exam.

      You should return your hand written answers as in a contact exam (in a pdf-form)  no later than 15  min after the end of the exam to the specified folder (as for homework). After that dead-time, the uploading folder will close automatically no other returning methods will be accepted.   

      Notice that: If you use as help computer graphics and/or algebra, append the listing of source files and outputs you are using in your answers together with graphs if any. However, you should write by hand all the answers to the exam exercises together with logical derivations of your results. Only the handwritten parts will be graded and accounted for (I will not grade listuings).

      d) The exam questions will be marked from 0...5 points each. (please download camera-scanners applications or equivalent apps and test them already now). You can write the answers from any place, ex. from home, …

      e) The exam folder will be opened 10 min before exam starts. /the uploading procedure is exactly the same as for HW)




      Please select the suitable teaching method for yourself (for course planning):

      (For lectures, all the students registred to the course will be send the zoom link even if they will be physically following the lectures)

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      Exams and results [2020] Mapp

      Exams and results]

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      FEM related material [2020] Mapp

      Here some guidance offered kindly by Licentiate of technical sciences Risto Syrjä to help students in getting a touch with computational aspect of FEM