
  • Welcome to our Lecture Basics in Programming Y1


    The lectures are on Tuesdays at 14:15. You can find the ZOOM link here.
    Videos of previous lectures can be found here.

    Need help?

    Come to our Exercise sessions for tutoring where you will get 1:1 help with our teaching staff on Zoom.

    You can find the ZOOM link here. You can also find a video on how to line up in A+ here.

    You can ask us anything on our Piazza Forum here. You can find an instruction on how to use code-vault here.

    If you are new to myCourses: if you open the so called Hamburger Menu (see screensnippet) it is way easier to navigate on our page to the relevant information.

    More information below the image.

    Corona Information, Mandatory Tasks, Exam:

    Because of the coronavirus, we choose to arrange lectures and exercise sessions remotely. Keep in mind, that this is a new situation for most of us and causes uncertainty. We try to adapt to the best of our abilities to provide a good course for everyone. This includes that some of the arrangements may change during the course of the lecture.

    The completion of the assignments is mandatory, however, participation in exercise sessions is not. In the exercise sessions, students solve the course assignments on their own computer but can ask for help from an assistant if needed. 

    The exam is planned as a computer EXAM in Otaniemi in the EXAM class at the end of November and the beginning of December. Each student reserves a suitable three-hour slot from the EXAM class to take the exam. More information about the exam and EXAM bookings will be provided later. If you need any special exam arrangements, please contact the lecturer for this course as soon as possible by email. The email address can be found here. However, also reserve the originally planned exam time on your calendar on December 3rd from 17:00 to 20:00 in case it is not possible to take the EXAM due to the coronavirus situation.