Topic outline

  • Welcome!

    Programming Studio A is a continuation course of the course Programming 1, in which you expand your Scala competences and learn more about designing and implementing a larger program. The course is targeted at students in Data Science program and its prerequisite is Programming 1.

    The course is implemented in conjunction with course CS-2120, Programming Studio 2, aimed at Computer Science students. In the spring of 2021, the organization, schedule, and majority of the content of the courses are common. The Studio A course has separate project topics for it, as well as some individual things for it.

    The course material in English is for Studio A and in Finnish for Studio 2.  All course material will be in A+ where the course opens at the latest on Wed Jan 13th. Note, the course name in A+ is Studio 2 (and the material in English is for Studio A).

    The first lecture in on Wednesday, 13.1 at 12.15.  Lectures are given at 

    Lectures in English are on Wednesdays 12-14. The same lecture in Finnish for Studio 2 is on Wednesdays from 14-16.

    On Fridays from 12 noon to 2 pm there is a section that complements the weekly lecture, where some things can be presented in more detail. It is in English. It is open to participants in both courses.

    The exercises are voluntary and in the spring of 2021 they will be held in Zoom at

    The first exercise session is on Friday, 22.1, 14.15-16.