
    • Mapp icon
      Theme 1: Overview Mapp
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande

      Here are slides from the first sessions. During session 1 a short assignment was given, which DL is the start of the session on March 8th. The assignment can be found on the Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lSJePF8=/

      In case of any equations you can contact us by the course email address cs-e5230@aalto.fi

    • Mapp icon
      Theme 2: Stakeholders and user groups Mapp
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande
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      Theme 3: Digital research methods Mapp
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande
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      Theme 4: Evaluating usability and user experience & Group assignment 1 Mapp
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande
    • Mapp icon
      Theme 5: Approaching potential users & Group assignment 2 Mapp
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande