
  • Allmänt

    This is the home page for CS-E5250 Data-Driven Concept Design 5 ects course.

    During spring 2021 the whole course can be taken remotely/online.
    Lectures will be recorded
    and offered for student viewing in mostly unedited format.
    This is not a data science course or a project course.

    This course has a compulsory prerequisite course CS-E4900 User-Centered Methods for Product and Service Design.
    Please have it passed before registering for this course.

    Course starts on Monday 11.1.2021 at 10:15 with an online Zoom lecture

    https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67702387993(Only authenticated Zoom users can join: Sign in to Zoom with Aalto account. We will use this same Zoom as long as we do not get Zoombombed)

    Participation in the first two lectures (Mon 11.1. and Wed 13.1.) is compulsory to be admitted to the course.

    Participation to all lectures and workshops & Labs is strongly advised.

    Learning outcomes:
    After the course, you know how to prepare and analyse common user research data to produce relevant user knowledge for data-driven design. You are, as part of a team, able to apply creative problem-solving methods in a rigorous manner to find innovative solutions based on demonstrable potential and limitations. You know how to create product and service concepts and develop select parts into visualised prototypes of various fidelity. In addition you know how to present the designs and argue your design decisions in a clear and concise manner to various stakeholders.