Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      All necessary files for A1 can be downloaded here (please note that the project file cannot be downloaded on some browsers, tested and works on Chrome):

      • Assignment instructions
      • Atlas.ti project file with transcripts
      • List of assigned transcripts
      • Grading instructions

    • Assignment icon

      Please find your group in A1_D2_groups.pdf. 

      Instructions for Deliverable 2 can be found in the A1 instructions PDF, available under A1 Deliverable 1.

    • Assignment icon

      All necessary files for A2 can be downloaded here (please note that some file may not be downloaded on some browsers, problems with Firefox; tested and works on Chrome):

      • Assignment instructions
      • Quantitative Data Set "CS-E5250DDCD_anon_Cabin_data.xlsx"
      • Grading instructions

    • Assignment icon

      All necessary files for A3 can be downloaded here (please note that the project file cannot be downloaded on some browsers, tested and works on Chrome):

      • Assignment instructions
      • Grading instructions
      • Individual Problems to Solve
      Problems described in detail at the lecture slides.

    • Assignment icon
      Only one member of a group returns a single set of report and deliverables. List group members on the front page of the report.

      • Groups for the A3-D2
    • Group choice icon

      Form groups of 2-3 students for the Assignment4 - D1!

      If any single person groups remain after deadline or if a student has not chosen a group, the course staff will form groups at random.

    • Assignment icon

      Group assignment use the A4 Group Choice to form groups by Wed 3.2. lecture.
      • Assignment instructions
      • Grading instructions

    • Assignment icon

      Individual assignment to reverse-engineer an existing product/service to a interactive prototype. Necessary files can be found in assignment A4-D1.
      • Assignment instructions
      • Grading instructions

    • Assignment icon

      Individual assignment to present and argue your design proposal. A recorded 3 minute pitch and accompanying materials.
      • Assignment instructions
      • Grading instructions