ECON-C2100 - Intermediate Microeconomics I, 08.09.2020-22.10.2020
This course space end date is set to 22.10.2020 Search Courses: ECON-C2100
Topic outline
This is the first half of the Intermediate Microeconomics course at Aalto. The course is taught by Marko Terviö. The course assistant is Eero Mäenpää.
The second half is taught in period 2, see
Make sure to read the syllabus carefully before registering for this course (link in the side panel at MyCourses). Note that the ongoing Corona virus pandemic may still cause changes to course policies.
With one exception, period 1 lectures will be conducted remotely. Links to remote lectures will appear in the Lectures section of the course web page. The 2nd lecture (Wednesday, Sep 9th) includes an interactive in-class game, which is conducted in class and counts as a problem set question. (Depending on how many people show up, this may involve splitting into two simultaneous groups for the game). However, equivalent points as from the in-class game can also be accomplished by an alternative home assignment.
In Fall 2020, the exam and homework will both have weight 50% in the grade.