Osion kuvaus

  • Exams last for 3 hours, although 2 hours should usually be enough for the well-prepared. 

    In case of an in-class exam, calculators are allowed, with similar specifications as in secondary school matriculation exams (ylioppilaskirjoitukset). Depending on the pandemic situation the exam may be take-home; in that case exam policies will be released here later.

    The exam on October 22nd will be a 3-hour remote exam. The exam will be released at 13:00 and the uploading of answers closes at 16:01. The exam questions will be released at the course web page at MyCourses, linked from the Exams section. The upload link for your answers will be provided in the same section. Be prepared to answer in paper-and-pencil, and to scan and upload your answers at MyCourses. Some questions may involve the drawing of graphs. You can use a calculator, but all answers must be handwritten and graphs hand-drawn. The exam is an individual open book exam, so you are allowed to use all of your notes and the textbook. You are not allowed to ask or receive help from anyone. You are not allowed to discuss the exam or course materials with anyone between 13:00 and 16:01, even if you have finished your own exam.

    Addition 10-21: Digital pen is ok, the point is that you must use your own handwriting in your own style (even if you use block letters). Do not use automatic text recognition! 

    Participation in the retake exam requires a separate registration. 

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      Exam I Tehtävä

      Make sure to read the general exam instructions at the MyCourses "Exams" section. 

      The exam consists of 5 separate questions. All answers must be handwritten. If you have any doubts about the clarity of your handwriting use block capital letters. 

      The answers to the first three questions will very likely each fit on one page (unless you write in very large letters). You can submit up to 5 files, either pdf's or image files (gif, jpg, png), with a maximum file size of 100 MB. The answer to any single question should be contained within the same file. 

      If you submit multiple files, then name the file by the question number(s), for example 4.pdf for a file containing your answer to question 4 or 123.pdf for answers to 1,2 and 3.

      I recommend that you submit a version of your answers well before the deadline, so that you can be graded even if you miss the final deadline. You can always update and improve your submission until the deadline. 

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      Retake Exam I Tehtävä

      General instructions are the same as in the period 1 exam.