Topic outline

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      Exercise Session Zoom URL
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      00-intro-ex-session URL
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      The recording of the walk through for the homework assignments workflow.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

      There is a question about getting feedback for the graded notebook, you can answer it after the deadline for this notebook has passed and the notebooks been autograded. You can answer the rest of this survey right away and press Save, and then come back to answer the feedback question.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • File icon
      N-gram assignment intro File
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    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Forum icon
      Societal impact: Forum discussion assignment
      Not available unless: You belong to any group
    • URL icon
      03-vsms evaluation clarifications URL
      Not available unless: You belong to any group