Topic outline

  • Assignments?

    There are multiple assignments and all of them should be done in group. The assignments are:

    • Company case definition
    • Company's current VNC
    • Team presentation slides 
      • Scenario results slides
      • VNA results slides 
      • BMC results slides
      • Final presentation slides
    • Opponent's reports (multiple submissions: as many as Team presentation slides)
    • The final report


    When are the assignment deadlines?

    Check the section "Lectures" to see the assignment deadlines.


    Where to submit the assignments?

    Assignments must be posted in the Forum with your company case name at the "For Aalto Users" section. You should create a "new discussion topic" in the Forum for each of your assignments. E.g. Scenario planning assignment from X company. This way, teachers and the opponent group can have easy access.


    Format for the company case definition

    Please name the file as : "Company case definition"  : e.g. Smart_locking_case_definition.ppt


    Format for the company's current VNC:

    • The company's current VNC assignment is a warm-up exercise for better tacking the VNA results slides.
    • The company's current VNC assignment should be an up-to-date slide set including: Company case definition + Scenario results slides + Company's current VNC.
    • For drawing the company's current VNC, you should use the following templates microsoft_power_point_template. Additionally, you could also use Value_distribution
    • Remember that the Company's current VNC should only describe one value network configuration about the current/existing service. If the service does not exist yet, try to describe a similar competing service. If there are no similar services, it is your chance to create something new and amazing.

    Please name the file as : "Method" + "from case X" : e.g. Scenario_planning_from_Smart_locking.ppt


    Format for the team presentation slides:

    • Team presentations should approximately have 10 slides and last for 20 min (use the following MS PowerPoint .ppt template)
    • Basic assignment requirements that will be checked after the presentation:
      • Scenario result slides:
        • Formulate trends including a verb in continuous form. E.g., rapidly increasing mobile Internet usage·         
        • Formulate the top 2 uncertainties in question form, which can be answered with YES/NO.
        • Rank the uncertainties in a list. Why are the top 2 uncertainties important? Are these uncertainties independent?
        • Give titles to scenarios
      • VNA result slides:
        • First draw a technical architecture (or technical system) that works on-line by connecting your technical components.
        • Business roles should be formulated indicating the provision or delivery of something: E.g., Mobile service PROVISION, content DELIVERY
        • Try to minimize the number of technical and business links. Please only show those links that are more important.
        • Give a name to each VNC following the structure "Actor-driven VNC" e.g. MNO-driven VNC, Cloud-provider-driven VNC.
      • Final presentation slides:
        • At the end, include  slide(s) providing recommendations for the company case, combining the main results from scenario planning, VNC, and BMC.
    • For drawing the value network configurations, you should use the following templates  microsoft_power_point_template. Additionally, you could also use Value_distribution
    • All group members must present some content
    • Examples from previous years: 
    • Please name the file as : "Method" + "from case X" : e.g. Scenario_planning_from_Smart_locking.ppt


    Opponent report format :

    Each group will gather all comments about its opponent's presentation (including those from teachers) and will submit them to ensure that valuable feedback is not lost. The document should not be longer than 1 page and this will be graded. This should include:

    1. Is the team following methods correctly?
    2. Is their analysis reasonable and valid?
    3. Is their presentation clear and understandable?
    4. Is their presentation suitable for the time given?
    5. If the team is doing something wrong, how in your opinion they could improve?

    Please name the file as : "Method" + "Opponent Report" + "to case X" : e.g. Scenario_planning_Opponent_Report_To_Home_Platform.pdf


    Final report format:

    • MS Word .doc format
    • A maximum number of 30 pages.
    • Remember to use the provided template!
    • Note concerning the example report: no report is perfect, so use your own consideration if adopting some aspects of the example report
    • You can use the Example report as reference.
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Exam: Scenario planning method January 13 at 9-10am Assignment
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Exam: VNC method January 27.1 at 9:00-10:10am Assignment
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Exam: BMC method on February 17 at 9:00-10:10am Assignment

      As before, this is an open book exam (open the attached file 2021 E7830...). You type/draw your answers in your own editor (or pen and paper), convert into pdf or jpeg, and upload to MyCourses as a file. The scanned file must be of easily readable quality. Your name and student ID must be clearly visible in the beginning of a file.

      Note that the open book principle does not allow copying directly from any sources (literature, Internet, other students). Turnitin will be used for checking plagiarism.

      Note that the window for the exam is strictly 9:00-10:10 and uploading closes at 10:10.