Topic outline

  • Remember to sign up beforehand for one of the practice sessions at Scheduler 1: Presentation rehearsals - Sign up!  Submit completed A5, full Outline, to MyCourses by Sunday 4.10.!! .

    This week we will meet through Zoom again, and you'll have an opportunity to practise the whole presentation with the slides and a small audience, as well as to give feedback to each other and get feedback from your peers/the teacher. As part of the presentation task, each student participates in 1 rehearsal session.
    The practice presentations will be vid

    IMPORTANT! Please make sure that you have a working camera and microphone available for the presentation work!

      MON 5.10. -
      Session 13)
        •  12.30-14.00  Rehearsal 1 (A6): group 1
      To find instructions for this rehearsal session, go to A6 Presentation rehearsal with slides in section Assignments!

                         HOMEWORK:  A7 Self-evaluation and analysis

      WED 7.10
      ession 13)  •   10.15-11.45 Rehearsal 2 (A6): groups 2-3

      To find instructions for this rehearsal session, go to A6 Presentation rehearsal with slides
      in section Assignments!

      Session 13) 
      •   12.30-14.00 Rehearsal 3 (A6): groups 4-5   
                       HOMEWORK:  A7 Self-evaluation and analysis            

      Remember to sign up for one of the final conferences next week at Scheduler 2: Final presentations- sign up!