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      The Facilitated Feedback Sessions (FFS) will happen during the week right after the halfway show from Monday, 1 February to Friday, 12 FebruaryThe FFSs are compulsory for all the PDP teams, where feedback is shared according to "I like, I wish" method. The feedback sessions will be held fully online on Zoom.

      The activity is an opportunity where team members engaged in a creative and teamwork project get to provide and receive both positive and constructive feedback in written as well as in spoken format. Sessions are processed in a safe and systematic way, that's there will be a facilitator (a neutral person) allocated to each team session.

      It's mandatory for all team members to be present. The sessions proved to enhance understanding, improve communication, and team dynamic within the group.
      Zoom link for each session will be sent via email to the respective teams.

      Schedule for Feedback Sessions is as follows:


      DATE & TIME

      Grand Rental

      8 February, 9 - 12


      5 February, 13 - 16


      12 February, 13 - 16  


      5 February, 13 - 16


      11 February, 13 - 16

      Naughty Brgr   

      12 February, 9 - 12


      8 February, 13 - 16


      2 February, 13 - 16


      3 February, 14 - 17


      12 February, 9 - 12

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      In order to minimise the additional challenges of remote/online collaboration, we provide a list of tools and materials for a smoother and engaging experience during the PD6 workshop. Please, take a look at those and use them as you see it more fit.

      We believe this list will help you and your team to make the most of the workshop even if not all of you are located in the same physical space.

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      Please find below the schedule for the PD6 workshops

      Schedule for PD6 workshops

      To join the PD6 Workshop online go to this ZOOM link.

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      PD6 Workshop Opinionsmätning

      To join the PD6 Workshop go to this ZOOM link.

      PD6, short for "Product development in 6 hours", it's a whole day event/workshop that takes place during the week 25th - 28th January. The whole team and the sponsor will get together to work on the project. The outcome result (prototype) will be presented to an audience of other teams.

      The idea of this workshop is to give a boost to the teams in the beginning of the year, and push you out of your comfort zone to tackle the given problem by prototyping and building a solution in just 6 hours. This introduces the students to problem-solving and teamwork and lay the foundation for product development methods and tools.

      Since we have 10 teams, we’ll have 2 to 3 teams per day, from Monday to Thursday. The different teams and their sponsors must get together to work on the project on a day you agree to meet. As mentioned during the CPM2, we can
       allocate a different time than the usual 9:00 - 15:00 for the teams that have international members located in places where the time difference is significant. We will keep this option open, just contact us for more details, if you prefer a different time slot.

      Book a day that suits your team and your sponsor.

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      Presentation is one of the important skills that a professional in any area should have. This course is the perfect platform to help you with your presentation skills, stage presence, and how to communicate to a larger audience. The course is organized by our beloved Elina Aalto, a professional actress and an experienced coach in public speaking and communication, that has been training PDP’ers for more than 15 years.

      To access the course you can go here.

      Since the Presentation course is part of the PDP workshops, all PDP students are automatically registered for this online course, including the global teams. We recommend this course to all students interested in developing their presentation skills. Mode details on how to sign in will come soon.

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      Join the "Reframing and Ideation Workshop" on 28th October, from 15:00-18:00, where you will learn methods to reframe challenges and ideate in creative problem-solving! 

      The workshop will be hosted by Senni and Tua, both researchers at Design Factory. They have been part of the Design Factory since the very beginning. We recommend a minimum of two members (a student pair or a student and sponsor) to attend the workshop.
      You will be using Zoom and Mural, so to make the experience smooth, we ask for signing up in advance here: https://forms.gle/c8NgTMYYHPzjpUVN6
      If you're not familiar with Mural, don't worry. You'll get to know how to use Mural during the session.

      This is not a mandatory workshop, but it's open to anyone that is interested in learning more about ideation and problem reframing. By attending the session and submitting the homework assignment you can earn 1 extra credit as a part of PDP!


      For an additional PDP study credit:
      1. Read
      • Thomke (2020), "Building a culture of experimentation," Harvard Business Review and
      • Brown (2008), "Design Thinking," Harvard Business Review.

      2. Organize a reframing and ideation session for your team (3hrs recommended)
      • Identify assumptions in your challenge and generate alternative “How might we” statements.
      • Use at least 2 different ideation methods to generate solutions.
      • Cluster generated solutions and generate names for the clusters
      • Document the 4 most promising or interesting ideas.

      3. Write an approx. 3-4 page report
      • Reflect on how your project team could work to support creative processes, citing both papers at least twice (approx 1p)
      • Report your reframing and ideation session design and reasoning for the design of the session (approx 1p)
      • Report the results of the session (pictures or attachments)
      • Reflect on how the session went and what you would do differently next time (approx 1p)

      4. Return your report to Senni Kirjavainen
      senni.kirjavainen@aalto.fi, by 7.12.2020

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      Reframing and Ideation Workshop slides + homework Mapp
      Here's the slides from the workshop and the documents needed for completing the optional homework to earn the 1 extra credit. Instructions for the homework are on the second last slide in the workshop slides PDF file.
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      As a way for your team to benefit from this workshop, there is a take-home exercise in which you'll have to apply what you've learnt. The exercise is to submit a 3D-printable part(-s) in STL-file format by emailing it to me. In some cases you should send multiple files because it won't f.ex. make sense to send only one half of a mould or only one fixture if the prototype actually includes multiple of them etc. The deadline for the submission is 4.12.2020.

      In order for Erwin to assess the quality of the part, we ask you to send an image (could just be a crude communicative drawing) from which Erwin would be able to understand how this printed part should fit the rest of your project. Due to the complexity of many of your projects, a little description of the image and the purpose of the part would also be needed. Be sure to mention if this is meant to be a functional part, or if it is just a mock-up approximation, or if you plan to modify it later on (f.ex. machine it, polish it etc.), because this affects the settings with which I would fabricate the part.

      Erwin will then respond to your email with some feedback on the manufacturability of the part(-s) you submitted. In the case it seems plausible and possible to make, Erwin will make it for you, you can pick it up at PrintShop and you get your credit. In the case that the design needs some tweaking before making it, we are looking to receive a file with the necessary fixes by 10.12.2020. Receiving the credit requires the design to lead to a successfully printed part.