
    • You can do the project work alone or with a pair. The first ten groups (A-J) are for two people (choose your pair freely) and the rest are solo groups.

    • The assignment is to write a ROS service that moves TurtleBot forward in a circular race track, that has walls on both sides. The goal of the project work is to utilize all the information you have learned during the course.

      Deliverables: Submit the vmc_project -package as a zipped folder

    • Studenten måste skicka in enkäten för att aktiviteten ska vara fullföljd

      Give feedback to gain extra points!

    • Studenten måste skicka in enkäten för att aktiviteten ska vara fullföljd

      Wrap-up the course by filling out this very short survey about your experience of the course! Should not take more than a minute or two.