Topic outline

  • Beam, Plate and Shell Models D

    After the course, student is (1) able to represent the quantities and operators of continuum mechanics in different coordinate systems, (2) knows the assumptions of the beam and plate models and derivation of the beam and plate equations using the principle of virtual work, and (3) is able to write the equations in different coordinate systems in flat and curved geometries and solve the equations for the displacements in simple cases.

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      Responsible teacher: Jouni Freund (JF)

      Teacher: Markku Malmivuori (MM)   



      The online course of  2021 uses Zoom. Download the software and practice with the user interface unless you are familiar with it:

      Assignments of the course are solved by using Word and Mathtype text and equations editors and returned in pdf format. Download the software and be prepared to use the text-equation editor pair:

      Mathematica notebooks of the course require Mathematica software to work. Download Mathematica in good time (it may take a few days to get the license)


      Lectures (JF & MM) on Tue and Wed are based on the weekly lecture notes of the home page. After a short break, lectures are followed by lecture assignments about some of the key topics of the lecture.

      Calculation examples (JF) on Thu discusses the weekly example problems of the home page. Both hand calculation and Mathematica notebooks of the course are used to explain the solutions to the example problems.

      Calculation hours (JF & MM) are informal meetings for instructions and questions about the home assignments. Join the meeting to solve the home assignments during the session and/or get step-by-step instructions.


      The weekly material consists of lecture notes, exercise problems, home assignments, and lecture assignments. The exercise material of the orientation week (week 9) consists of a modelling assignment only.

      Solutions to the modelling assignment, home assignments, and lecture assignments are graded so that the maximal points correspond to the fifth correctly solved exam problem in the final grading of the course. Participation in the final exam is possible only if the points from the graded assignments exceed half of the maximal points.

      Lecture notes are published in the home page on Friday of the previous week.

      Exercise problem are published in the home page on Friday of the previous week. Exercise problems contain answers and full solutions.

      Lecture assignments are published in the homepage after the lectures on Tue and Wed at 15:35 and the solutions should be returned before 16:30 (the time for solving a problem is 55 min).

      Home assignments are published in the homepage on Fri of the previous week and should be returned through the homepage before Sun 23:55 of the next week. Some of the problems are structured and contain templates to be completed, some are non-structured to be solved from scratch.

      Assignments are published in docx and pdf versions. With the docx versions, you can use MathType equation editor to fill the missing parts of a structured assignment or write the full solution to a non-structured assignment. Also handwriting is acceptable. However, the returned solution should be of good quality and pdf in type.


      Remote exam at the end of the course consist of four (4) problems published in the homepage at the scheduled exam time. The exam problems are given as separate assignments to be returned in the same manner as the home assignments of the course. Returning a solution through the home page is possible before the deadline (4h). There

      (1) You may use the material of the homepage,

      (2) You may use a symbolic calculator,

      (3) You are supposed to solve the problems by yourself.

      Bonus points are worth of one correctly solved exam problem. Solutions to the modelling assignment, home assignments, and lecture assignments are graded so that the maximal points correspond to the fifth correctly solved exam problem in the final grading of the course.

      Participation in the final exam is possible only if the points from the graded assignments exceed half of the maximal points

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      Grading of the assignments and exams

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Teacher
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      Exam 13.04.2021 results Folder