Osion kuvaus

    • Homework sets are due every Tuesday (except the first one is due on 10.11).

      PDF creation. There are many apps that turn photos from your phone into clear PDFs. Your final document is hopefully no larger than 10MB. The system will not accept a file larger than 20MB. Sample apps:

      1. CamScanner: https://www.camscanner.com/
      2. Dropbox app: https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/mobile/document-scanning
      3. Google drive app: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/3145835?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en&oco=0
      4. Note that uploading a large file can take several minutes, especially if you have a slow network connection.

      Please try to provide explanations for your solutions/calculations.

      Write your answer as if you were writing to a fellow student, not assistant or lecturer.

      A nice rule of thumb: one can understand the solution even without knowing the question.

      (the grading will not be quite that strict but it's something to aim for eventually. :) )

    • Tehtävä icon

      Extended deadline: 11th of Dec at 23:59. Return the certificate* of completing at least 90% of the course Matlab Onramp.

      *You find the certificate by first going to "your account" (upper right corner), then selecting My courses form the left-->You see the list of courses; from the right  click view/share certificate. Download it and turn it in as pdf.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Due on 10.11 at 23:59. Return your answers here in a single pdf file.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Due on 17.11 at 23:59. Return your answers here in a single pdf file.

      NOTE! Make sure your file has uploaded properly and is not "blank". This is your responsibility to check. If you cannot make it work and the time runs out, send it via email to the tutor of your group.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Due on 24.11 at 23:59. Return your answers here in a single pdf file.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Due on 1.12 at 23:59. Return your answers here in a single pdf file.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Due on 8.12 at 23:59. Return your answers here in a single pdf file.