Topic outline

  • The course has 12 lectures, and each lecture corresponds to one chapter in the lecture notes:

    Each lecture is preceded by an online quiz which helps you to identify preliminaries from earlier courses and lectures that you may need to review independently before a lecture. Points from quizzes amount to up to 10% of the course grade, see the course syllabus for details. The deadline for completing a quiz is the start of the corresponding lecture.

    • 0 Preliminaries

      Before starting the course, you are assumed to be familiar with basic set-theoretic notions (unions, intersections, products) and basic properties of real number sequences (limit, supremum, infimum). You are recommended to browse the following appendices where these concepts are summarized before the first lecture.
      • [Kytölä, Appendix A]
      • [Kytölä, Appendix B]
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      DL Mon 11 Jan 2021 at 10:00

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      Introduction, sigma-algebra, generating a sigma-algebra, Borel sigma-algebras.

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      Measures and probability measures.

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      Measurable functions and random variables, verifying measurability, indicator functions and Dirac measures, pointwise operations on measurable real-valued functions

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      Function-generated sigma-algebras, Borel preimages, Doob's representation theorem, approximating by finite-range functions

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      Independent sigma-algebras, random variables, and events. Verifying independence. Borel-Cantelli lemmas.

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      Tail sigma-algebra, Kolmogorov's 0-1 law

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      Details about defining the natural order, topology, and Borel sigma-algebra on the extended real line.

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      Theory of integration à la Lebesgue: definitions, monotonicity, linearity, approximation by sums

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      Lebesgue integrals against probability measures are expectations of random variables.  Lebesgue integrals against Lebesgue measures extend Riemann integrals.
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      Products of sets, sigma-algebras, and measures.

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      Random vectors, joint distributions, marginal distributions.

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      Convergence almost surely and in probability. Weak and strong laws of large numbers.

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      Fourier transforms and weak convergence of probability measures. Central limit theorem.