Topic outline

  • Each week a set of 3 standard exercises is published. Each problem is worth 2 exercise points and is graded at resolution of 0.5 points and individual feedback is provided. For full points, the logic of your solution must be correct and complete, and presented in a way that it can be reasonably easily understood. Furthermore, model solutions are published.

    Each week we also publish bonus exercises worth a varying number of exercise points (½, 1 or 2). You may return up to 2 bonus problems, clamped to a maximum of 2 exercise points each week. Bonus problems are graded as correct/incorrect and no feedback is provided. No model solutions are provided.

    Bonus points count for extra for "exercise grade". That is, your grade for exercises may exceed 5 in which case you do not need to get the best grade in the course exam to get the best final grade.

    Exercises are published by Friday night with deadlines on Mondays ten days later at 23:59.

    Return format

    You can only return .pdf and .m files.
    .pdf: Include only one .pdf file and order your pages so that the mandatory exercises are the first three problems and the bonus exercises follow them. If you return photos of handwritten solutions, please use appropriate lighting.
    .m: Name your .m files in an obvious way and ensure they can be run on university computers without modifications. Points will always be taken if your files can not be run without modifications.
    • Assignment icon

      See the Week 1 self-study guide in the beginning of the lecture notes.
      DL: 18.01.2020 at 23:59

    • Assignment icon

      See the Week 2 self-study guide in the beginning of the lecture notes.
      DL: 25.01.2020 at 23:59

    • Assignment icon
    • Assignment icon

      See the Week 4 self-study guide in the beginning of the lecture notes.
      DL: 11.02.2020 at 23:59

    • Assignment icon
      See the Week 5 self-study guide in the beginning of the lecture notes.
      DL: 18.02.2020 at 23:59
    • Assignment icon
    • Assignment icon
    • Assignment icon
      See the Week 8 self-study guide in the beginning of the lecture notes.
      DL: 16.03.2020 at 23:59
    • Solutions

    • Exercise points for finding errors in lecture notes/assignments
      As the lecture notes are new for this course, we also hand exercise points for finding errors in them. You may get a total of up to 8 exercise points for being the first reporter of an error. Report the errors in Zulip under the "Errors in lecture notes/assignments" stream.
      As a guideline, the errors are worth:
      - 0 points for minor typos in text e.g. "Continose" -> "Continuous"
      - ½ points for minor typos in equations, e.g. incorrect formatting (missing bold) or an obvious typo in sub/superscript
      - 1 point for minor error in equation, e.g. a sign error, incorrect norm or a missing/incorrect word in text e.g. "Domain" -> "Domain boundary"
      - 2 points for logical errors , e.g. a missing assumption in a proof or a significant error in an equation
      These points are generally halved for sections marked as Draft in the lecture notes if such are published in advance.
    • Assignment icon

      This assignment is used to track points for students finding errors in lecture notes. You do not have to return anything here.