Topic outline

  • Kurssitentti on 14.4.2021.
    Muut tentit 2021: 3.6., 8.9., 20.12. Näihin tentteihin pitää ilmoittautua SISUssa (syksystä 2021 lähtien).

    Course examination will be April 14, 2021.
    Other examination possibilities June 3, in September and in December. Registration via Oodi is required for these cases.
    Please, inform the lecturer in case you wish to take the examination in English (

    Arvosanojen pisterajat ovat vaihdelleet seuraavasti vuosina 2015-19
    Required total points (exam + home assignments) have previously varied  as follows
    Arvosana Pisteraja
    Grade      Required points
    5                29-32
    4                25-27
    3                20-22
    2                18
    1                14-15

    • Assignment icon
      Tentti 8.9.2021/Examination 8.9.21 Assignment
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      Assignment icon
      Tentti 3.6.2021 (Examination 3.6.2021) Assignment
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      Assignment icon
      Tentti 14.4.2021 (Examination 14.4.2021) Assignment